Chapter 4

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Location- Konohas London hideout

I hear talking but it all sounded muffled, my vision was blurry and I tried to move my hands but I couldn't.

Suddenly the sounds start to make sense, I hear a familiar voice "Himawari? Are you okay? Do you need water?"

"What?" was all I could mumble out.

"Hey! You did this to her now go get her some water?" that familiar voice yelled.

I heard mumbling, that other voice, wait 'he did this to me?' the guy from the alley. It was as if at that moment I woke up from my daze. I noticed I am in a strange room and I try to get up but my hands are cuffed to the table.

"Himawari!" I look up to see Inojin.

"Inojin, wh-what is going on?" I yell with panic in my voice still a little out of it.

"It's okay, you are safe now." He says.

I look into his light blue eye "safe? you have me in handcuffs."

"I know, it's for everyone's safety, I mean you really left a number on Kawaki." he points at the man from the alley, so Kawaki is his name. He had a nasty cut on the side of his head and a few bruces. I guess he doesn't work for the Salakau and felt a moment of relief. 

Then, it all hit me at once I remembered everything from the night before "Inojin! What time is it? I can't be here!"

"Calm down, you have only been out for twenty minutes but Hima" He calmly looks me straight in my eyes "you have to tell us where the virus is."

I felt the mood change, I looked away and didn't say anything. I know Inojins wouldn't use his physical tactics against me but he is great a playing with one's mind. I have to be careful with my wording a body language. 

I can feel him lean in a little closer "Hima"

"I don't know what you are talking about" I swiftly turn my head towards him making eye contact with his "What I do know is that you need to let me go!" I hiss.

"No, you know where it is," he said calmly "you can tell me, we use to talk about everything."

Part of me wanted to roll my eyes at that comment but now was not the time to bring up old wounds. "You don't understand!" I yell "I am running out of time!"

"What do you mean?" I can see the worry in his eyes but I can't fall for it, not with the world at stake.

"Just let me go, its the only way."

He reaches over grabbing my hands when he touches my palm his eyes widen. Just as he was about to turn them over I swiftly get out of the handcuffs jump over the table trying to make a run for it. But that Kawaki guy blocks the door, I throw a punch but he grabs both my wrist twisting them behind my back. I move my body back facing him and was about to kick, but he throws his body weight on me against the wall, making it almost impossible for me to move.

"Let me go!" I scream.

"Enough! We don't have time for this, where is the virus?!"

"I can't!" At this point, I can see Inojin and Shikadai standing on the other side of the room watching. I look down feeling ashamed of what is happening but I am doing this for them, for everyone. A tear falls down my face thinking about my ops team and I quickly whisper "I didn't kill them."

"I know" 

I look up making eye contact with the man only inches away.

"How? You don't even know me."

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