Stop Staring At Me

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It was an under statement to say that nobody noticed JJ and Kie's chemistry. But it was true nobody did notice their chemistry, only expect for Sarah but that was only because Kie had told her that JJ needed a place to say but not much more.

One thing about Kie and JJ is that they were incredibly secretive about them two dating. They had agreed to keep their hands off of each other or to a minimum when they were with their friends. But when they were alone it was a completely different story. Like right now, Kie and JJ were making out on Kie's queen sized bed. After being outside all day with no touching each other so that their friends didn't suspect anything, it made them want to touch each other more when they were alone together, but not in a dirty way or anything.

It also meant that JJ would give hickeys in the most open spots, such as her neck, and even her shoulder. Kie wasn't mad about it, but she wasn't happy about it either because then she to make up some stupid excuse to their friends. She told JJ to stop but he couldn't it was one of his very bad habits.

"JJ, you're doing it again" Kie spoke giggling as JJ continued to suck on her neck.

"I'm sorry babe, I can't help it" JJ says getting off of her neck and starting to tickle her.

"JJ stop" Kie speaks giggling on between words.

"Ow" Kie winced holding her side where Rafe punched her.

"Shit, Kie, I'm sorry, are you alright?" JJ asked holding Kie's side as well.

"Yeah, I'll be fine" Kie says rubbing her side.

"If you want, I can totally rough up Rafe for you" JJ says trying to make her smile.

"It's fine, JJ and besides I don't need you getting another black eye for me" Kie says touching JJ's eye that was covered in a deep black bruise.

"It's just a black eye, Kie" JJ spoke.

"No it's not, maybe if I had just said yes to going out with Rafe, you wouldn't have a black eye" Kie spoke not wanting to look at JJ.

"Kie, please don't blame this on yourself, you not going out with Rafe isn't your fault it was his and mine, maybe if I didn't punch him then I wouldn't have a black eye" JJ spoke hoping that Kiara would look at him.

Another thing about JJ and Kie is that no matter what they were always there for each other. They never ever let one person fully take the blame of situations like this one. They would even end up in arguments about whose fault is was and then they would make up in the sweetest way  possible, hugs and kisses. Just like right now they were literally hugging and kissing.

"So, what are we gonna do today? , because I'm bored" Kie asked pulling away from JJ trying to catch her breath.

"Probably go over to John B's place and see what everyone's up too, if that's what you want to do?" JJ asked Kie getting up from Kie's bed reaching out his hand so that she could take it.

"Sure, that sounds fun" Kie said grabbing JJ's hand.
Everybody was sat in a circle in John B's backyard playing another round of truth or dare. It was now Kie's turn.

"Truth or Dare?" Pope asked.

"Truth" Kie spoke simply.

"Who have you that hickey?" Pope asked out of curiosity.

Shit. Kie wasn't expecting that question. She quickly glanced at JJ who had the same look on his face. She quickly thought of an excuse that would probably shock the hell out of all of her friends, especially Sarah.

"Uh, Topper gave it to me" Kie said.

Everyone was shocked and definitely trying to picture that picture it in their heads. Even JJ was trying to.

"What, you guys wanted the truth, and I gave it to you" Kie said even though she was lying.

"Great, moving on, JJ, truth or dare?" Sarah asked still trying to get the picture of Kie and her ex-boyfriend out of her head even   though there was nothing to picture.

"Dare" JJ said ready for anything his friends could throw at him.

"I dare you to kiss Kie" Sarah said.

"That's it?" JJ asked surprised that, that was the only she wanted him to do.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah, that's a problem, no Pogue on Pogue making" JJ argued even though he knew him and Kie had broken that rule several times already.

"That rule's dumb anyways, just do it, I won't mind" Kie says making everyone turn their heads to face her again for the second time.

"You're the one who made the rule" Sarah says.

"Alright, and I said it's dumb, now are you gonna do your dare or not JJ?" Kie demanded rather than asked.

JJ didn't want to upset Kie any further than what she was now so he quickly kissed her and then sat back down in his spot.

"Truth or Dare, Pope?" John B asked.

"Dare" Pope responded.

"I dare you to jump in the lake only in your boxers" John B said.

As soon as John B finished his sentence Pope was already in the water.

"Wait for us, Pope" Kie yelled taking off her clothes to reveal her Bikini underneath.

JJ had seen Kie in a bikini multiple times but that was when they were only friends but now that they were dating he saw her in a brand new light. Sexy is all he could think until Kie knocked him upside the head.

"Stop staring at me and get in the water" Kie said as she jumped into the lake.

JJ took his shirt off and did the same.

Everybody was splashing water at each other and diving into the lake. They were all having so much fun.

Nobody was prepared for what happened next though.


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