W̥o̥u̥l̥d̥ Y̥o̥u̥ R̥ḁt̥h̥e̥r̥

638 24 13

It had been one week since had last spoken to JJ and it killed her but she knew she deserved it, what she did was wrong. Cheating on your boyfriend when he's alive and has consciousness is one thing but cheating on him when he's in a coma and has no idea what's going on is a completely different thing. If it was her she would probably feel the way JJ does, angry frustrated and sad but it's not her in the situation it's JJ.

Currently Kie was in her room, looking through Netflix to find something to watch to get JJ off her mind. She hadn't eaten in days but she wasn't hungry at least that's what she kept telling herself. Her and JJ had officially broke up when JJ sent her a text saying 'We're done'. The breakup was really fucking with her head and her health. She wasn't eating or drinking. She hadn't gone outside either. She was getting thinner. She hasn't texted her friends back. It was safe to say that Kie was messed up if that's as far as you want to go.


Her phone went off again.

Sarah: Wanna hang out?

Sarah: Please, Kie, I haven't seen you in a week.

Sarah: I know you see my messages, Kie.

Honestly, Kie did want to go with Sarah but she could not even get herself out of bed.

Sarah: Alright that's it, I'm coming inside.

Kiara: What the hell Sarah? Are you outside of my house?

"Get your ass up, Kiara" Sarah yelled kicking open Kie's door.

Kiara yelped and fell off of her bed. "What the fuck is wrong with you, Sarah?"

"Kiara, you cannot stay in the room all week, I mean you look like a fucking donkey" Sarah spoke.

"Okay, first of all you cannot fucking go into peoples houses and kicking open doors like a fucking robber" Kiara said getting up from the floor.

"Well maybe if my best friend wasn't holed up in her room all damn week, I wouldn't have too" Sarah said.

"What the hell do you want Sarah?" Kie asked.

"I want to hang out, Kie, I haven't seen you in forever" Sarah responded.

"I don't want to" Kie scoffed.

"You know I'm not exactly giving you a choice, you're coming with me whether you like it or not"  Sarah smirked.

"I'll call the police and tell them you kidnapped me" Kie stated.

"Put this on" Sarah yelled throwing an outfit at Kie that ended up hitting her in the face.

"I already told you I'm not going" Kie said.

"And I already told you that you don't have a choice, now put that on" Sarah said coming out of Kie's closet.

"Ugh, fine" Kie groaned. "Will the boys be there?"

"Yeah, is that problem?" Sarah asked.

Of course JJ didn't tell his friends that him and Kie had broken.

"Nope, no problem's here, I'm sure we'll have fun" Kie said putting on a fake smile.

When they got to JB's house Kie waved at JJ hoping for some type of communication between them but he just looked at her scoffed and rolled. Yeah, it was obvious he was still super mad.

"It's so boring" Kie yells throwing her soda can into the trash.

"Well it's not like anything we can do anything, nobody is throwing any parties and all of our parents are at home so it's not like we can go there" Pope spoke.

"I have an idea" John B says "Let's play would you rather".

"I have a great one" JJ says smirking. "Would you rather be in a coma and have your girlfriend stay loyal by your side or be in a coma and have your girlfriend fuck another guy"

"What did you just say?" Kie asked standing up and walking over to JJ.

"You heard me or do I need to say it again to make sure it gets stuck in your head" JJ responds.

"Actually yeah you might have to say it again because I don't think I heard you correctly the first time" Kie said crossing her arms.

"I said, would you rather be in a coma and have your girlfriend stay loyal by your side or be in a coma and have your girlfriend fuck another guy" JJ said staring into Kie's eyes.

"Uh, What the hell is going on?" Pope asked confused.

"Because I think I would have a girlfriend who stays by your side" JJ says ignoring Pope.

"And you did until she got lonely" Kiara yelled.

"Bullshit excuse, that's a fucking bullshit excuse Kie and you fucking know it" JJ yelles throwing his arms into the air.

"Well it's the only excuse I have" Kie stomped her feet.

"So, we're just going to go" Sarah said motioning for JB and Pope to follow after her.

"No, it's not Kie, there has to be some other excuse, there has to be, because there is no reason that you've done what you did" JJ yelled.

"What do you want me to say, JJ?" Kie yelled.

"Just say something, anything, just tell me why you did it" JJ says no longer angry.

"I don't know okay, maybe I did because you weren't here and I didn't have anyone else to rely on and Rafe was there me when you weren't" Kie spoke tears forming in her eyes.

"It was three weeks, Kie you couldn't have waited three weeks" JJ said.

"How was I supposed to know that it was going to be 3 weeks, it could've been 3 fucking years for all I know, was I just supposed to sit here and wait for you to wake up" Kie yelled.

"Yes, that's exactly what you were supposed to do$JJ yelled back at her.

"If it was me in a coma and I was in it for 3 months instead of 3 weeks, you're telling me that you wouldn't hook up with some Kook you met at a party?" Kie asked.

JJ stayed silent.

"That's what I thought" Kiara said turning around and making her way back home.

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