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That conversation never did come. For days it stayed the same. Sure, Kie and Rafe visited the hospital to see JJ even though he hadn't woken up yet but on days when they weren't at the hospital they were usually in Rafe's bed making out but nothing more.

They still had to deal with Topper's crap about them dating. He wasn't completely right but he wasn't completely wrong either. Neither Rafe or Kie had the tolerance to deal with Topper anymore so every time they saw Topper they either told him to fuck off or just walked away from him.

Now they knew why Sarah dumped Topper. He was a fucking maniac, he didn't stop until he got what he wanted. Topper investigated Rafe and Kie like crazy, asking questions about where they were on the weekends and where they went after Kie got off of work or why they were always together.

They almost got caught once. Rafe and Kie had gone to a beach for a fun day, but they had no idea Topper was following them, creepy right. Anyways, Topper had questioned them about why they were on the beach together and they had claimed that they just ran into each other. Of course, Topper believed it, he was a dumbass after all.

Eventually Topper was going to figure it out but that was far from now.

Kie was currently in her room scrolling the Instagram after she got into a heated argument with Rafe.

She was really getting tired of him and all the stupid fights they got into. They've been getting into stupid little arguments lately. She's thinking about breaking it off with him. She pulls out her phone and texts him.

Kie: Whatever we had is over.

She got up from her bed and threw a tank top and shorts on and headed to John B's without checking to see if Rafe texted back, even if he did he would probably beg for her to stay with him because that's the type of guy Rafe was, she doesn't know why she didn't see that before.

"What's up, losers" Kie says waving at Sarah, Pope, and John B.

"Well look who finally came to visit us" Sarah stated getting up from her hammock and high fiving Kie. "Where's Rafe?"

"Last I saw him he was making out with some girl he met a the party" Kie said lying and grabbing a beer from the cooler.

"That's exactly what I suspected" Pope stated grabbing a beer as well.

"So, what have you guys been up too?" Kie asked.

"We've been trying to prove John B's stupid theory that mermaids are real even though it's stupid" Sarah yells loud enough for John B to hear her.

"Hey, just because we haven't found anything now doesn't mean we won't find anything at all" John B yells back.

"You've said that for the past week past, JB and we haven't found anything yet" Pope yelled laughing from his hammock.

"I'm fucking telling you, Pope, mermaids are real" John B laughed getting up from his hammock and walking over to Pope.

Sarah and Kie laughed at the boys antics. "But, what have you been up too?" Sarah asked turning to Kie.

"You know the usual working at The Wreck, hanging out at parties, and waiting for JJ to wake up, I guess" Kie responded.

"Hey, you know he's gonna wake up right, it's JJ he always makes it through" Sarah said putting a hand on Kie's shoulder.

"I know but it's been 3 weeks Sarah, what if he doesn't wake up at all" Kie spoke looking down.

"Kie he's going to wake up, I promise" Sarah spoke.

"You don't know that" Kie said frowning.

Kie's phone buzzed in her hand telling her that she had a text.

Rafe: Topper knows.

"Shit, sorry Sarah I have to go" Kie says wiling her tears and grabbing her stuff before Sarah can say another word.

Kie arrived at Rafes'and house where Topper stood yelling at him.

"I fucking knew it, I fucking knew it was true" Topper screamed throwing his hands in the air.

"What are you talking about now, Topper?" Kie asked playing dumb.

"Don't play dumb with me, I know about you and Rafe" Topper stated.

"And what exactly do you know?" Kie asked crossing her arms.

"I know that on the night of the party after everybody left you guys had a makeout session" Topper says staring right into Kie and Rafe's eyes.

"Jesus Topper, follow people much" Kie scoffed.

"Just admit it, you guys are dating" Topper demanded.

"Not anymore" Rafe and Kie said under their breath.

"Aha, so you guys were dating" Topper yells.

"We weren't really dating, we just had a fling" Kie admitted.

"Whatever it was, you guys had something, right?" Topper asked.

"Yeah, and why does it matter?" Rafe asked.

"It doesn't matter, I just wanted to know" Topper said simply.

"So, you're telling me you came here, yelled at us, questioned us, all for nothing" Kie asked.

"Yeah" Topper answered.

"I knew there was a reason I didn't like you, you do dumb shit for the stupidest reasons" Kie said.

"I don't do dumb shit, I just do shit you don't like" Topper argued.

"Yeah, dumb shit" Kie said grabbing her stuff and walking off the porch.

"Wait, Kie we need to talk" Rafe yelled while Topper got in his car and drove off.

"What Rafe, I already told you this was over" Kie said rolling her eyes.

"I know that, but why?" Rafe asked.

"Oh I I don't know, probably because my boyfriend is in a coma and I've been cheating on him for three weeks, maybe that's why this is over" Kiara said annoyed.

"Yeah, but when I kissed you that one day, you didn't seem to be thinking about JJ then" Rafe spoke.

"Rafe, let's get this clear, me and you were only together because I was lonely okay, don't think anymore of it" Kie said walling away from Rafe. "I'm going to the hospital, I don't feel like talking about this anymore"

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