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"And here I am now." I finished my story.

"You don't know a thing about running away from home do you? It seems as though you ran away from the palace without thinking. Look at you, wearing a ball gown, running in heels. Not to mention, you probably didn't pack anything did you? Some warm clothes? Your phone? Some cash to survive?" Changbin inspected, he was right, the only thing I have on me is this huge ball gown.

"I-uh..Pft, what do you know about running away from home anyway." I sass.

"More than you know." He shrugged then went to adjust some things on his bike.

"Very well, if you seem to know a lot about running away from home. Can you help me?"

"Help with what? Carrying that overly massive gown around so it doesn't get dirty?" He joked.

"No. I meant in general, I don't want to go back to my Palace...well not for now anyway."

"Sorry Princess, helping someone like you, seems like a lot of work, another weight to be added onto my shoulders." Changbin states.

"Oh so you're despising me because I'm royalty?" I fake gasp, to sound shock and hurt.

"No, no not at all."

"Alright then, that's okay." I say as I head towards the other direction.

"Where do you think you're going?" Changbin questions, turning to face me after adjusting some stuff on his bike.

"To find someone else who will simply provide some help for me." My back faces him while I make my way towards the end of the park path.

"Hold up," Changbin began while he chased after me, holding my arm which made me stop my tracks, "Fine, I'll help you."

"You didn't seem like you wanted to help earlier." My lips purse.

"Well princess, people change their mind. So you want my help or not?" Changbin was still holding onto my arm.

"Alright then, it is settled. You will help me." My face beams, "Thank you Changbin."

"No worries princess. Let's go back to my place now and we'll stay there for the night, I've some things to cover but I'll explain it to you later." He spoke as we walked back to where his bike was parked.

"Sounds like a plan, and stop calling me princess, no formalities!"

"Okay...princess." A cunning smirk sprayed across his face as he said that.


We arrived at his house, it was...cozy? Small? Seemed a bit run down? But it was ideal. Oh, who am I to judge. Is this what commoners live like? As a member of the royal family, I suggest we contribute more to society.

It was dark when we entered, he flicked the living room lights on. "This is my house, I know it's not the best for a princess, but a house is a house."

I place my hand on his arm, "Hey, don't worry about my comfort, this is perfect."

A small smile formed on his face, "I live here with my dad and two sisters, they're asleep by now. You can have my room, I'll sleep on the couch tonight." He lead me to his room and tidied up some space.

"Thank you." I softly thank him.

"It's the least I can do, sleep tight yeah?" He firmly nodded before shutting my door and leaving.



"Changbin oppa- you said you'd help me fix my broken lightstick!" A young girl entered the room and gently shook me.

I sprang up, my servants never do this to me! Oh wait, I'm not at the palace anymore!
"Ah! Sorry! I'm not Changbin!"

The girl's face grew curious, but started to grin widely, "What are you doing in his bed? Are you his girlfriend?" She grinned. My face mask was still on, gosh, who sleeps with a black face mask? I must've dozed off without thinking because I was extremely tired last night.

"What?! I'm not!"

"Rose, did you use my favourite shirt again?!" Another girl dashes into the room, identical to the first girl, Rose.

"Oh wait- who are you?" The second girl tilted her head sideways.

I slowly remove my mask, revealing myself then smiling with unsureness.

"Princess Y/N?! What're you doing in my brother's bed?!" Rose exclaimed, clapping her hands together with excitement.

"Shhh, appa is still asleep!" The other girl hit Rose.

"Ow! Mina! Why did you hit me?" Rose hit Mina back, but Mina ignored her, turning her attention to me.

"I've always admired you, how many tiaras do you have? Have you met a handsome prince before? What's it like in the palace?" Mina beamed, softly asking.

They were such sweet girls, I began conversing with them, answering every question they asked.

Changbin's POV:

I slowly walk up the stairs, by hearing my sisters squealing with excitement, I could tell that they found Y/N. I swiftly walk past my room and into my dad's room.

Dad was sitting on the edge of his bed, eyes sank as he focused on looking at the photo frame of mum he held.

"Yeah I miss her too..." I sighed.

His eyes immediately shot up, putting the frame down as though nothing had happened. "Oh uh son, didn't see you there!" He gestured for me to sit beside him.

"I heard your sisters squealing, the damn princess of Korea is in our house right now!" He whisper-yelled, grinning.

"I know, I agreed to help her with some things and-" I genuinely wanted to help her since I felt sympathetic towards her, the poor girl seemed stressed out of her mind.

"Changbin, haven't you heard?" Dad raised his brow.

"Heard what?"

"The news! The whole country has been informed that she's missing. Whoever returns her will be rewarded with a grand prize of $2 million. Changbin, we really need the money, we're struggling son. What income do farmers like us receive?" Dad sighed.

"I can't force her to return, she doesn't want to return to the Palace, we shouldn't force her Dad."

"Give her a few days or weeks, keep her with you till then. Once she's unwinded about her problems she'll probably want to return to the Palace.." Dad begins,

"So closer to that time or whenever I feel like it, I'll send a letter to the Royal Palace, to let them know we found her, I'll invite the guards over, and you'll have Y/N ready for returning."

"You're making her sound like an object." I scoff.

"Are you with me on my plan Changbin?" Dad asked, his voice serious.

"Dad..I..it's just-"

"Let me ask you one more time, Are you with me?" He restated once more.


My Runaway Princess [ Changbin x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now