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Y/N's POV:

"Your tiara is so pretty! Can I touch it?" Mina asked, eyes glistened as she admired my tiara.

"You can try it on, Princess Mina." I chuckle, taking off my tiara and placing it on her head.

"I'm not a princess." She giggled, "But with this tiara, I can definitely become one."

"Being a princess is not all about tiaras and jewelry you know, it's also about who you are on the inside." I point to her heart.

"Woah, that's deep." She softly nodded, taking note.

"Can I try the tiara on too?" Rose sat comfortably on the bed beside me, if I hadn't known better, I knew that these girls already had a liking towards me because I definitely liked their presence. I adored children, so it was easy for me to mix with them.

"Of course you may, you guys can take turns!" I grinned.

"I see there are three princesses in the house now." Changbin leaned against the room door with his arms folded.

"Oppa!! Look I'm a princess because I have this tiara on!" Mina twirled around, then curtsied with the tiara on.

You were already a princess before that. Changbin thought to himself, smiling at his younger sister. "Beautiful tiara isn't it? Now, how about you guys go downstairs, I need to speak to Y/N about something."

"It's Princess Y/N oppa, she's royalty and you're not!" Rose laughed, correcting Changbin before they left the room.

"They're adorable." My heart melts at the sight of children.

"Don't be deceived by them. One day they may be angels, the next, they can be a huge pain." He chuckled,
"Anyway, I haven't told you yet but I'm traveling down to Busan to check on our main farm, to take care of it for awhile and I want you to come. It'll only be for a month or two."

"That's fine by me, I'll go wherever you go and try my best to not be a burden."

"You know if you say that, you make me less inclined to help you." His face was serious, oops.

"What? No! I only said that so-" I tried defending myself but he interjected,

"I'm joking, I'm joking! Of course I'll help you, I promise." He firmly nodded. "And I never break a promise."

"I feel so much safer now that you've promised." I push the blanket covers off me and stand up, stretching in my gown. "What am I going to about this dress?"

"Take it off-" He started.

"WHAT?! I'm not taking it off right here, right now! Not when you're in the same room as me!"

"You want to be a fugitive from the palace right? Forget being a fugitive if you're going to wear this big gown, it'll catch everybody's attention and bam, the missing princess has been found."

"Then what am I supposed to wear? I didn't pack clothes remember?" I wave my hand, grabbing his attention.

"Just use my clothes for now. I'm going shopping to purchase some supplies for the trip down to the farm, we can get you some new clothes then."


We made my our way to his dad's car, it was a black Honda civic then entered it, buckling my seatbelt. At least we didn't have to ride on a bike again. Changbin borrowed his dad's car because he knew I was afraid of riding on a motorcycle.

"You must be hungry, given that you haven't had breakfast." His eyes are focused on the road.

"A Princess never demands for food." Even though I was hungry, I didn't want to seem greedy, that was the way in which my parents trained me.

My stomach thought otherwise, then growled loudly, aggressively.

"Certainly your stomach does." He chuckled. "Don't worry, we can get some food once we're at the street markets."


We've arrived at a parking lot and Changbin parked his car. He unbuckled his seatbelt and was about to open the door when he noticed my all of a sudden freeze.

"What's wrong?" Being concerned, he asked.

"It's just..I've never been exposed to the public in such a long time. Usually, my servants do the shopping or I shop online. Apparently it's dangerous for a Royal member to shop out in the public, that's why my parents wouldn't let me go."

"There's always a time to regain something you've lost, in this case, your sense of shopping in person. Let's go, usually in the morning, the street markets are less crowded."


With my mask on, nobody recognized me. What a relief, I felt normal for once.

Changbin was purchasing some supplies and equipment for his travel trip which would commence later.

He had also mentioned something about switching transportation often, through buses, trains etc, since paying for a flight to Busan from Seoul was too expensive.

It would be a long journey, but it would get me away from Seoul, which is ideal.

As I trailed behind Changbin through the slowly increasingly busy street market of Seoul, I noticed this really nice denim overall jumpsuit being displayed in one of the cabanas.

It had a countryside girl vibe to it, I must say, it looked stunning.

"That will be $4.70 sir." The cashier spoke to Changbin.

"Keep the change." Changbin nodded while handing the cashier $5.00. How thoughtful of him, which made me form a smile. I didn't think anybody still did the 'keep the change' routine.

After that, we continued to look around and purchase necessities for the farm and our journey.

My Runaway Princess [ Changbin x Reader ]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon