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Turning my head to the side, I notice a sleeping Changbin.

Head thrown back, mouth slightly ajar. One side of his earphones still in his ear. Causing me to chuckle softly, it was a rather adorable sight.

Feeling thirsty, I grab my plastic drink bottle and take a sip. Of all moments, the bus had to encounter a bump now! Bump!

My water then spilled on me...sucks to be me. Aish, I was such a clumsy girl.

Ah ha, maybe if I turn the air conditioning to a higher temperature, my sweatpants- Changbin's sweatpants rather- will dry quickly.

As I stood up to adjust the temperature, the bus jerked to a holt causing me to stumble back into my seat and onto Changbin's lap, waking him up from his sleep. Well done Y/N.

Changbin seemed startled when he woke up. "Y/N? What're you doing on my lap? And why are you wet?" His voice was groggy.

"Oh it's nothing. I'm fine." I awkwardly sat back down in my seat and stare out the window.

"You're a peculiar person." He shook his head, laughing.

"As are you." My tongue points at him. Childish of me but oh well.


The long bus ride came to an end, we arrived at Hongdae train station. We were going to catch a train to Suwon. Then catch 2 buses from Suwon to Jeonju.

Our train tickets were bought, and to Suwon we headed.

"Changbin, how can I repay you for all of this? I mean, look at how much you've spent on me alone in one day. What about the other month ahead to come?" I ask, feeling guilty about using Changbin's hard-earned income.

"It's nothing, you don't have to repay me. Treat this as a holiday." He lightly shrugged, taking a sip from his iced americano which he had just bought.

"But all this will cost-" My tracks stop, something catches my eye from afar. It was a newspaper stall, many newspapers on display but one in particular caught my eye.

I rushed over to the stand, Changbin trailing behind me.

Headline title:
Missing Princess?! If you return the missing Princess, you shall be rewarded with a grand sum of $2 million.

"What on earth?!.." I mutter under my breath. How can my parents do such a thing? This is definitely an idea that they came up with but I bet father was the one who initiated it. He has always cared more about my duties and fulfillments more than he cared about me.

Mother was more understanding and gentle with me.

"This makes me want to stay away from the Palace even more." I grumble, putting the newspaper down.

Wait..but Changbin seems unbothered about spending all this money on me, and he kindly offered to help me. Is he using me for the money reward?...

"Say...Changbin? You don't happen to be using me for this grand $2 million reward now do you?" My brows raise.

Taking one last sip from his straw then he replied, "Definitely not. Why? Do you have doubts about me?"

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to doubt you..it's just, I don't know. I'm just confused and worried."

He put an arm on my shoulder with hopes of comforting me, "You'll be alright, just enjoy this 2 month vacation. Then who knows, maybe you'll change your mind about going back to the palace?"

I turn to face him, "Changing my mind? I find it hilarious how you think there is a chance of me changing my mind. No way, I just want to be ordinary Y/N not Princess Y/N."

"Do remember that you can't hide forever, sooner or later...someone somewhere will make a move that will affect you." He stated.

"Of course I can hide forever! As long as I stay low and hidden, nobody will interfere with me. It's my life- It's just, I'm not ready for marriage or ruling a kingdom or just anything!" My throat started to hurt, it felt like a lump was building. I wanted to cry, I was on the verge of tears. I hate this!

Changbin's POV:

It made me sad to see Y/N in this state, upset and frustrated.

"I'm sorry...please excuse me for a moment." She turned away and entered the public restrooms.

Aish. My father better not make that call without me, I don't want to hand Y/N over to her parents.

She will hate me for eternity. When she asked me if I was using her for the $2 million, of course not!! I do want to help you, it's my father that wants the money not me.

Whatever it is, I must let her enjoy her time in Busan. I'm not going to see her upset, I need to help her. I will help you Y/N, I'm here for you. Don't you worry.

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