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"My friend Chan is coming to pick us up, he'll take us to my farm." Changbin notifies me while we're getting off the train.

"Ah there he is!" Changbin chimed, jerking his chin to a guy with messy brown hair, he grinned while walking over to us, his dimple made a dominant appearance. He wore a loose white oversized shirt, some beige knee-length shorts and a navy blue bandana tied around his neck.

"How's it going man!" Chan hugged Changbin, "Been awhile since you came to Busan. Things have been quite rough at the farm...the boys are forcing themselves to handle it without any help whatsoever. I tried to offer some help but they claim that 'they are perfectly capable of doing things themselves'." Chan mocked someone's tone.

"I'm guessing Hyunjin said that?" Changbin asked while helping Chan load our bags into the boot of his white Toyota sedan.

"You know the boys too well." Chan nodded with amusement, shutting the boot.

"I've practically known them since they were kids. They've been working for my family business for years. How's your farm doing by the way?"

"We're coping, could be better but you know, life is life." Chan's voice toned down as he said that, "Anyway, how are you doing your highness? Has Changbin taken good care of you so far?" Chan turned his attention to me.

"Wait who am I kidding, he's Changbin, he always takes care of anything precious to him." Chan shook his head, lightly chuckling.

"I'm not precious to him, I'm just his friend." I intoned, trying to defend Chan from getting any wrong ideas about Changbin and I.

"If you say so. It's an honour to be helping you by the way." Chan nodded firmly then opened the back door of his car to let me enter.

My body slightly bends bowing politely to him as a formal thank you, "Thank you, for helping me."

"Don't mention it." He lightly smiled, a dimple making quite the appearance on his cheek.



As Chan and Changbin were unloading the bags, I strolled inside before them, wanting to get a glimpse of what the house I would be staying in for the next month looked like.

Hm, it's not bad, a little bit old looking but manageable. Who am I kidding, stop being judgmental Y/N!

"SHIT WHO TURNED OFF THE HOT WATER?!" Someone's yell came from upstairs.

"Idiot, that's what he gets for making me drop my hat in horse poo." A brunette chuckled, a sinister looked plastered to his face while he ran down the stairs. Was he the one who turned off the hot water? But he looked like an innocent well-behaved guy though?

"Oh nooo, my pancakes are burnt!" A blonde-haired boy with freckles sprinted from a different room into the kitchen while gaming headphones dangled around his neck, attempting to flip the pancakes.

It was at this moment that the house went dead silent, only the running shower water could be heard whilst four boys stared me down.

The pancake guy.
The evil but cute brunette.
A guy wrapped in his towel with wet hair who just came out of the shower.
And finally, a guy who just entered the house with gardening gloves on.
Their jaws dropped, eyes widened at the sight of me.

"So he wasn't lying." The brunette was amused, "Welcome to our humble...home, well Changbin hyung's farmhouse but our home! I'm Seungmin, pleased to meet you." He waved, walking over to shake my hand.

"Ohh, Princess Y/N, I'm Felix, please to meet you." Pancake boy rushed over and bowed 90° to me.

I lightly chuckled, "There's no need to bow Felix."

The guy standing on the landing upstairs sniffled a bit, "It smells like burnt pancakes..."

"That shirtless and clueless guy up there is Jisung." Seungmin introduced, to which Jisung grinned as a reply.

"Farmer boy over here is Hyunjin, he adores gardening." Felix gestures to Hyunjin, who had a bit of mud smeared on his cheeks but he still looked cute.

"Sorry I'm a little dirty, you don't have to shake my hand." Hyunjin smiled shyly, taking off his gloves.

"Hyungg!!" The four of them yelled in unison upon seeing Changbin enter the house.

"Did you guys miss me?" He smirked cockily.

"Nobody missed you."

"If you say that again cutting your salary!" Changbin joked, playfully shoving Seungmin.

"Alright alright!" Seungmin yielded, stepping away from Changbin, "I suppose the house was a little bit quiet without you..."

As I watched the banter among the boys, it made me realise that this is exactly what I needed. I didn't even register that I was grinning widely, this was the type of atmosphere I craved since I was a child.

"You better not have missed me too much, cause I'm now rooming with you." Changbin pointed at Jisung.

"What?? My room's a mess!! Why don't you stay in your own room?"

"The princess will be staying there for the next month."

"Oh- just Y/N is fine, please. If I'm going to be staying with you guys then let's be casual about this." I insisted.

"Casual?? We've never had a girl in this house before. Let alone a Princess!" Hyunjin wiped the mud of his face, stepping closer to us.

"Okay well then- teach me your ways. I'm no longer Princess Y/N but Farmer Y/N." I chuckled, hopeful for the following month I'd be spending here.

My Runaway Princess [ Changbin x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now