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"AaAhHhhh!!!" I screeched at the top of my lungs at the sight of a dead grey rat laying on the bathroom floor.

Should I run out to Changbin?! But I'm only wrapped in a white towel and nothing else. He can't see me like this. Screw it, I hate rats.
The bathroom door bursts open and I dashed out, "There's a dead rat in the bathroom!"

"A dead rat won't hurt you." He chuckled while peering over my shoulder, inspecting the rat.

"The bathroom reeks, this room is tiny and that guy is scary, how did you manage to live here all by yourself?!"

"I guess I'm used to it." A smile crept onto Changbin's face as he saw me standing there in horror, not daring to move.

"I think I'll pass on showering." Disgust fills me as I walk away from the bathroom, shaking my head.

"Turn around, I'm going to change into my pyjamas." I command, swishing my pointer finger in a circular motion so he would turn around.

"Wait, don't get changed yet. Say, you don't want to be cooped up in this room all night do you?"

"What are you trying to say?"

"There's a club, a few minutes away, my friend owns the place."

"Last time I went to a club I almost got raped Changbin. But, since you're there to guard me...I wouldn't mind going."

"Oh so I'm your guard now?" He raises his brow with amusement, while he puts a black bomber jacket on.

"I mean, isn't that what you were the whole time?" I tease, "Okay let's go, I haven't been to a proper club party before!" Excitement fills me, as I change into a decent outfit while Changbin turned around.


The five minute walk went by real quick, probably because we were so carried away conversing. Finally, we arrived at a black building, the loud music from inside could be heard from outside.

"I didn't expect it to be this crowded." My jaw drops, it was packed.

"It's the most popular club in the area. Everyone comes here on Fridays." Changbin scanned the area, searching for his friend, the owner.

"Is that a Seo Changbin I see?" A tall guy with a huge grin plastered onto his face approached us, he had blue-dyed hair.

"Yeonjun! What's up man." They bro-hugged, "It's been so long since I last saw you."

"Running my business as per usual." Yeonjun turned to me, "Bin, you brought the princess to a night-club?!"

"What? No one in this area knows about the royal family that much." He shrugged, "Besides I'm with her, I'll protect her."

"Nice to meet you, your highness. You look lovely as a 'normal' commoner." Yeonjun winked then bowed.

"Shh, it's my disguise, it's so easy to breathe since I'm not wearing a gown for once in my life." I could tell that Yeonjun was someone I'd get along with easily.

Some other people began calling for Yeonjun, "Well I'll leave you two to it, catch you guys around." He smiled before going over to those who called for him.


Changbin and I sat together at a bar, he chugged a glass of soju down then let out an 'ah' sound, "Refreshing."

"How do you guys even drink? I've never drunk alcohol ever." Amused, I commented at Changbin's drinking. Looking beside me, there were two girls who were drinking away, unbothered by anything else. If they could do it, I certainly could too.

"I suppose it wouldn't be that bad if I had one shot of tequila." I smirked but Changbin's eyes grew wide.

"You sure? Give that you've never had alcohol before, shouldn't you stick to something less strong like wine or something? Tequila is a bit much-"

"Don't worry, I've got this this completely under control, it's just one shot." A cocky smirk formed on my lips, "One shot of tequila please!"

The bartender nodded and attended to my order, sliding over a shot of tequila to me.
Without hesitation, I force the shot down my throat. It was very strong, a sickly-sweet taste that burned my throat but felt delightful. (a/n: idk I've never had tequila oKaY)

"See? It was FiNe-" I slurred my words, standing up but losing my balance and falling onto Changbin, thankfully he caught me.

"Don't tell me you're drunk. You literally just had one small shot, you can't tolerate alcohol at all can you?" He spoke, his voice echoing in my ears.

My Runaway Princess [ Changbin x Reader ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora