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Duke Lee Minho's POV:

It was the day after Y/N went missing, my parents (Duke Heechul and Duchess Soomin), Queen Yunjae, King Donseok and I were seated in the private relaxation room.

"How could you rascals let her get away!" King Dongseok angrily yelled at the two bodyguards.

Yang Jeongin and Choi Soobin.

"Sorry your majesty, we chased after her as fast as we could but she outran us." Jeongin spoke.

"Aish, I know you guys are tired and have been working hard and for that, I salute you but...this is my only daughter we're talking about, the heir to the throne!" King Dongseok sat back into his chair and rubbed his temples.

If Y/N doesn't return, it means the wedding will be off, which leads to...me not getting a hand in the throne.

That girl better return and fulfill her duties, she better stop being selfish, only thinking about herself and her so called freedom. I deserve to be King. She must marry me.

"Couldn't you guys put a tracker on her or something??" I blurt aloud.

All eyes turn to me.

"That...is a genius idea! If only we knew where she went!! How can we put a tracker on something if we don't know where that something is?! Arghh!" King Dongseok seemed really stressed out.

"Honey, calm down. I have faith that she will return. We just have to be patient." Queen Yunjae speaks calmly.

"How can I be calm when my little girl is missing? Who knows where she is? Or more importantly, who she is with?"

Without a warning, the telephone rings.


"I'll answer it." Queen Yunjae walks over to the phone, answering the call.

Her jaw drops, she glances around the room, eyes darting from one person to another.

"...Alright, thank you. Good day sir." She then puts the phone down.

"I know where Y/N is..." Queen Yunjae begins.

"This guy called Mr Seo Tunjae (Changbin's dad), claimed that Y/N was at his house. I'm afraid that she is not in Seoul at the moment, she is simply on her way to Busan with someone called Seo Changbin. A small getaway perhaps." She explains.

My eyebrows furrowed, who is this Seo Changbin guy? Does he plan to steal my...soon to be wife?

"I say we let her have her fun while she can, she's only 18." Queen Yunjae takes pity on her only daughter.

"But she must get married soon! Duty calls." King Dongseok argues.

"She returns in a month or two months' time, and when she does, we shall send guards to Mr Seo house and pick her up from there. Mr Seo will inform us." Queen Yunjae planned.

"Let's say she doesn't return..assuming so, what happens then?" I ask.

"The throne will remain with me for now, if she never returns...we shall see then. Don't worry Minho, she will return and you will have her hand in marriage."

I excuse myself from the room and head back to my guest suite which I'm staying in and start researching. Who is Seo Changbin? Does he want Y/N for her money? I want to eliminate this guy.


Y/N's POV:

"Do you ever see yourself going back to the Palace though?" Changbin questions while we're seated beside each other on the bus, we've just arrived at the bus station.

"I'm not too sure...my answer tends to swing towards the no side..but I cannot just drop my duties as a princess." I sigh.

"My whole life is planned out for me and I just want to do things on my own, I'm done with having people dictate me. 'Princess do this..' 'Princess do that...' It just gets tiring.."

"On the bright side, you'll be in Busan for two months with me." He winked playfully, my arms gently nudge him.

"Yah (hey)! Don't get any wrong ideas. A 21 year old guy hanging out with an 18 year old girl...you don't see that everyday now do you?"

"Pft it's only a 3 year gap. That's basically nothing." He shrugged, looking down the bus aisle. I had occupied the window seat.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." Changbin gave a soft warm smile, a smile that made my heart melt.

But I remembered, this is not about falling in love. I'm practically betrothed to Minho, Changbin is just a friend of mine.

It hardly dawned on me that Changbin is actually a stranger to me, we only met yesterday but it feels like I've known him for years. I feel comfortable in his presence, I couldn't say the same for Minho.

Since this bus ride was due to be an hour-long, I decided it would be best to read a book. Changbin plugged one side of his earphone in and let the other hang loose.

This bus ride was rather relaxing.

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