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A week had passed and while I still had a LOT of adjusting to do, I'm proud of the little progress I did make as a farmer.

"Okay this is pretty easy...you see," Changbin showed me a cherry red ripe tomato, "If it's fully red all over, it means it's ripe and you can pluck it off like this." He then placed it in our basket of collected vegetables. We had quite the variety, adequate enough for a feast for the 7 of us. Chan occasionally popped by to have dinner with us, he adored our company.

"This one also looks ripe!" I pointed one out and Changbin nodded with amusement.

"Try plucking it." He instructed.

I tugged a few times, aggressively, might I add. This stubborn tomato did not budge. "Is there some forcefield holding this thing back or what?!" I exclaimed, letting out a laugh.

"Try harder, you're barely pulling!" Changbin laughed, shaking his head.

"I am-!" I pulled and pulled until, the vine snapped I sprung back, splashing into a chocolaty brown puddle of mud. Instead of feeling disgusted, I ended up laughing even harder.

"All that for one tomato." Changbin chuckled, helping me up.

I looked into his eyes, ever so smiley. Thank you Changbin, for everything. You saved me. I thought.

"I know I have dreamy eyes, you can stare all day if you'd like." He teased.

I shook my head pushing him away, "You wish."


Dawn came, the skies were painted a mix of pink, yellow and purple with tints of orange. It was Felix's turn to teach my how to cook.

"Jisung is craving Italian food so we'll whip up some pasta and tomato soup tonight." Felix began, showing me his recipe book.

He showed me a few steps and we followed the recipe together, step by step.

"Look at that you're a natural!" He complimented.

"I wish I could cook more often, everything's always done for us at the Palace."

"Well you're here now and you can cook till your hearts content." He smiled, taking a spoonful of the tomato soup.

"Mhmm, you know why this tastes extra good? It's because you plucked the tomatoes, specially for this dish."

"I know, made it super special for you guys." I smirked proudly.


"Y/N we're watching The Conjuring for movie night tonight, come watch with us!" Seungmin insisted, gesturing for me to join them after I had my shower.

A movie couldn't hurt I suppose! I planted myself next to Hyunjin who indulged himself in an over sized bowl of popcorn.

"Here, you can have some Y/N, but the others can't!" Hyunjin glared at anyone who touched his precious popcorn, I giggled. Living here was a dream, it made me forget all my problems, for now at least.

The movie began and let me tell you, these boys were not quiet movie watchers. "That looks like you Jisung." Seungmin referred to the creature on screen, chortling as he said it.

"Shut up right now or I'll throw horse poo at you again." Jisung grimaced.

"OH MY-" I shrieked, burying my face in my hands. Horror movies are NOT my cup of tea. I was full on shivering and shaking at this point, someone get me out of here. Might I add, that I have never watched a horror movie in my life!

"Turn it off! Turn it off!" I winced, hiding my face in my hands.

The boys thought I was joking but Changbin stood up and came to check on me.

"Hey, you okay? Come sit here, the speakers are less loud on this side." He put his hand on my back, concern filled his tone.

I sat next to him but did not dare to glimpse at the screen.

"Don't be scared, I'm here." Changbin assured. Those words, thought meant for the movie, felt extremely comforting. He was the only person who made me feel safe, I truly felt like I could trust him.

A jump-scare happened once more and I couldn't take it, I buried myself in Changbin's embrace, his buff arms felt like the safest place to be in right now.

"You can look now, it's gone." He referred to the movie.

I shook my head, "I don't want to."

He smirked, laughing softly at me. "Guys pause the movie."

"Awh what??" Felix whined.

"Yeah the movie isn't even finished." Jisung added.

"Let's watch something else. Let's watch Mamma Mia." Changbin ordered. The boys obeyed his request and played the more upbeat and enjoyable movie.

"You'll like this one, I know it." He gestured for me to look at the screen, grinning.

"Thank you." I whispered, and he nodded.



"What's princess 'running away from my problems' doing at this hour, I wonder?" I thought aloud, glancing at Seonghwa for answers. "That selfish brat better get herself back here so I can become King."

"I managed to get in contact with Changbin's father personally. Your precious Princess is in Busan now." Seonghwa stated. "I could send some men there, a search party or so, and collect her, bringing her back here swiftly."

"Let's wait a bit, see if she returns on her own." I smirk.

"What did you do?" Seonghwa raised his brow.

"You'll see."

My Runaway Princess [ Changbin x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now