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So, that was the end of the first enstallment of the Sign It series. I really hope you enjoyed it.

The Second book is coming soon, it's called Extraordinary:

It takes place during Order of the Phoenix, Maddy's first year. I'm not writing anything for Goblet of Fire, seeing as nothing truly significant happens in Maddy's life. I will, however, provide you with a couple details on the year.

1) Maddy does not attend the Quidditch World Cup. I mean, where would she get tickets?

2) Sirius does not stay with the Lupins, he doesn't want anyone to find him with Remus and retreats South.

3) Sirius agrees to be Maddy's honourary godfather, but because of the fact that he's a convicted murderer, it can't be offical.

4) Maddy practices Quidditch daily outside her house. She got Remus to charm an old football as a Bludger to practice her aim.

5) Maddy still goes to her grandfather, Lyall's, for the full moon, despite being in no significant danger around her father. Remus is just a little too paranoid for his own good.

If you have any more questions regarding that year, feel free to ask. I'll happily answer any questions you have.

Signing off for real now, hope to see you in the sequel!

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