Chapter 15: Final Battle

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HELLO!!!! :D I'm back! So sorry to have taken so long but (in the original) it was very complicated to broadcast a fight in a nice way while showing the power of the opponents. Not to mention that there I translate it here now XD but with containment .... well I have time XD

But finally, here we are! The final fight! Where the future of ToonTown is at stake! I advise you to read the moment when the action begins while listening to this music. I think it brings something nice.

Ah! Just a little warning because there may be scenes that shock (even if the effect is slightly reduced because they are Toons).

Anyway, I stop talking and Happy reading :D


ToonTown is deserted today. Joey frowns as he enters the city. No patrol, no Toon, even the birds don't fly. The silence is total and the atmosphere is heavy as if something serious had happened and weighed on the world of Toons.

Intrigued even if he likes the atmosphere, he gets out of his car, leaving it at the ToonTown entrance in Los Angeles, and continues on the way. Without his knowledge, he is carefully observed. In his observatory above his house, Marvin the Martian carefully follows his progress. Grabbing a talkie-walkie, he says:

« Bugs! He is coming ! »

« Well received ! Join us discreetly where you know! » The rabbit's voice answers.

« Well received ! » the Martian answers, putting his talkie-walkie away.

Quickly, he leaps towards the exit of his house with K-9. They then return to the center of ToonTown without being seen.


Joey advances in the deserted landscapes of life humming. Surprisingly, what frightened most humans amused him. Everything was going as he wanted. True, he hadn't had the kittens so he could study their Toons-born hearts but he had the hearts of True Toons and, once Bendy is judged, he would attend his execution and finally recover his heart so powerful! The key that would complete his transformation into God!

« Can I get an amen in here? » he sings.

After a few minutes, he arrives at the center of ToonTown, delighted by the turn of events. He keeps going, heading to the prison for news of Bendy's trial ... when he hears a voice he didn't expect to hear there.

« Joey! » shouted Bendy's voice.

The Human stop before turning to the little Toon. The dancing demon stands straight in the middle of the street, his eyes threatening and his tail wagging like an angry cat. Bendy shakes his fists, feeling the rage soaring ... but he forces himself to stay calm so he won't mess up everything! Looking to his former studio director right in the eyes, he is waiting for a reaction.

« Bendy ... » Joey mutters. « If I expected to find you there. »

His icy cold voice would scare Bendy if he didn't hate him so much. Joey walks towards the demon, facing him full height. The two foes glare at each other, the little Toon regretting that he cannot kill the Human with his glare... when he sees a wicked smile on Joey's face.

« Always so cute despite all these years. » he smiled, kneeling in front of the little one. « And the childish soul? Always present ? »

« No ! You know it and you know why! »

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