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Eagle and the other guard, Amber, took them into the palace, they landed inside, Aqua glanced around, quite impressed. There was a RainWing and a SkyWing walking together out the door, they both had matching white horn rings, the thing was, they looked really happy, and they walked really close, which was odd as she could tell the SkyWing was a Firescales. And the way the RainWing walked, and she was wearing armour too, her scales were a much different colour than most RainWings, she had dark grey fade to light scales, and her wings and underbelly and neck were an orange colour, like a SkyWings, after Aqua and the NightWing passed them she realized their tails were twined. Wait.. are they a couple? Isn't that.. against the code..? She thought, then went back to looking at the palace. "Yes, they are a couple, the RainWing is a hybrid.." A voice spoke in her head, she looked over at the NightWing realizing it was him, but he wasn't talking. "I'm talking in your head, it's very affective for things like this, make sure you don't say your thoughts out loud, princess." He said. Alright, jeez. And stop with the a Princess talk. He only chuckled back. "Sure princess." Aqua growled lightly, they were brought to a small corner in the palace, near Queen Bonfire, she greeted them with a nice smile. Hyena was standing next to her, or, perched next to her. They layed down together, in silence for a bit. They had to talk at least so they didn't seem suspicious giving each other looks and chuckles without their mouths moving. "This place is beautiful.." Aqua said, she wasn't lying, the way the gold stuck in the walls was pretty. "Mhm." He nodded, suddenly she noticed Hyena staring directly at them. "Hyena.." Bonfire growled at him. Hyena growled some words back. "I don't care, stop making our champions feel uncomfortable." She hissed. Aqua scoffed lightly, she looked back at the NightWing realizing how close they were and how small she was compared to her, he was like a whole SeaWing and a half taller than her, or maybe she was just short, she blushed lightly in embarrassment. Shit, we're close- She thought, he looked at her and his eyes widened, he moved closer to one of the pillars, clearing his throat. What did you mean you'll get us out of here..?
"Oh, simple. That's happening tomorrow. In the arena."
Wanna tell me what you're doing?
"Hm, no."
That's gonna help me a lot, thank you Mr. NightWing. Aqua hissed back lightly. "Relax." He mumbled. Aqua rolled her eyes and watched all the dragons lining up to talk with Bonfire, there was a few SkyWings but they were guards, probably going to give their report. Suddenly a MudWing ran in, he went in front of everyone, and he skidded to a stop as Hyena barked loudly flaring his wings in front of Bonfire. Aqua stood up in alarm, the nightwing stood up and put a wing on her. "Shh, its fine." Aqua felt slightly scared, Hyena was.. scary. She shivered when his wing was on her, without realizing it she moved closer slightly. "Why are your SkyWings attacking us..?!" The MudWing pleaded. "Excuse me..?" Hyena said growling. "Your SkyWings attacked our village..!" Hyena lowered his wings slightly. "What..?"
"I saw them! They had the same armour as you!" He cried. "Just because we have the same armour doesn't mean they're with us. We can't do much about the problem. Who do they listen to?"
"Their King!" Hyena growled. "If they listen to a King, they aren't with us. I'm sorry, but we can't do much about your problem." He said sitting down, the MudWing growled. "You SkyWings are weak! And only care about themselves! My brothers and sisters have died! So many dragons have died!" Hyena slowly stood up. "Have you tried defending yourself..?" The MudWing cried. "No..!" Hyena growled, standing up. "We can't help you then..! We have more important matters at hand!"
"LIKE WHAT!?" The pale brown MudWing yelled. "LIKE TRYING TO STOP A NIGHTWING INVASION! GO SAVE YOURSELF! TAKE SOME OTHERS AND FIND A NEW PLACE!" He sounded agitated and frustrated, Eagle and another SkyWing guard approached the MudWing, ready to escort him out. "What would you do if your own home was being attacked, huh?!" Finally Queen Bonfire stood up, she looked menacing as if she was going to kill him. "We would fight for our land, and if we started loosing we'd flee to a safer spot and regroup and discuss a plan, then take back what's ours, we can't help you MudWing, I suggest you start thinking. Take him away.." She said, flicking her tail at the door walking back to the throne. She sat down with a sigh of frustration. "That idiotic other SkyWing team, and I like how the MudWings blame us for their work. Like we can't do much about the situation, besides help them but we've fought that team already, they're pretty stubborn and with the invasion.. ugh, Leaf, fetch some water please?" She said with a groan, Leaf, Bonfire's RainWing pet said with a nod and a bow and ran to the kitchen and got her a glass of water. Aqua realized she was still close to him, she shivered and stepped away quickly, laying down clearing her throat. The NightWing leant against the wall, his wings spread out slightly, she started studying him again, then realized he had scars on him, that looked like they were being covered up on purpose. Huh, wonder how he got those scars.. Oh, Aqua you dumbass he probably got them in the arena. She thought, looking down. "Actually I got them from fighting other dragons outside the arena.." He said, she looked at him. "I'm not going into further detail cause I already see you thinking about it."
"Fine, if you insist." Aqua responded, she looked towards the door to see the RainWing and the SkyWing come back inside, they shook some rain off their wings and hopped into the line. Bonfire was given most reports and some asking to be moved up or trained, or they just had a question. Aqua's gaze followed the RainWing, she moved so lightly and swiftly, she'd never seen a RainWing cause she's never been to the forest, she hardly knows anything about the other tribes. The RainWing looked at her, she growled softly, but then it faded and she gave her a light smile, Aqua returned it back. Suddenly it was her turn at the throne. "Charcoal, Citrus, report?" Bonfire asked. Charcoal cleared her throat, stepping forward. "Oh, the ocean is fairly empty, a few SeaWings but no harm done, the forest is also empty, there was a MudWing village that seemed kinda burnt." She said. Charcoal's her name, sounds like a SkyWing name

"Dead to me" // A WoF SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now