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Aqua sighed, gliding in the slightly rainy air. He wants me dead? Well.. t-that's what he'll get. She glanced back towards the ocean stopping in the air. Say goodbye first.. Aqua veered towards the ocean and dove down to it. River and Viper were lying on the beach, she glanced behind them to see a dark black NightWing holding a bow, aimed at them, she knew it was Silver right away, she gasped and twirled down as fast as she could, she heard a whistle of wind and she felt a sharp pain in her chest. The bow hit her, instead of River. "AGH! SHIT!" Aqua yelled, groaning, Silver cursed and slowly crept out of the shadows. "AQUA! I know you told him!" Silver yelled with his wings flared out, growling. Aqua stood back up, wincing. "Aqua! Holy shit!" Viper screamed in fear, River put a wing in front of Viper. "Maybe I wouldn't have.. ngh.. told him if you didn't try to choke me!" She winced, her legs shaking slightly. Silver snorted, standing taller. "Get out of here.." Aqua barked weakly. Silver nodded after awhile, but he was tempted to stay, he growled as he took off into the air, flapping away. Aqua collapsed down, wincing. "Aqua!" Viper yelled running to her side, Aqua growled and pulled out the arrow with a sharp yell. River winced, squinting his eyes. She hauled herself over to the ocean and let herself fall in, a small red puddle forming around her as she slowly grabbed her healing rock from her satchel, she gripped it tightly as her scales and the rock lit up, the wound sealed over leaving a scar. She shot out the water, rolling on the sand, shaking the sand off her. "Are you alright?" River asked concerned, Aqua nodded and sat down. "Why do you guys look like your life flashed before your eyes? Besides the fact I got shot with an arrow." Aqua asked, River looked at Viper, who was looking down at her talons, she looked up at him, then at Aqua, her eyes were trying to tell her something. "Viper..?" Viper starting crying slightly, she exhaled shakily. "Aqua.. we-... we're sisters.. we got separated at birth, this earring I always wear, was animus touched to hide my royal markings." Viper said taking off her earring, spreading out her wings as the royal markings faded in. "W-what..?"
"I'm only an hour older than you.. when I was born we got separated, I still don't know why.. that's why you didn't know who I was.." Viper said in tears, River put a wing around her for comfort. Aqua felt tears run down her cheeks. "T-that's impossible.. I-I.." Aqua stuttered as Viper came over to her and gave her a hug. Aqua hugged her back tightly.
A few minutes later they caught up and she finally realized how much Viper and River were looking at each other. "River, Viper likes you, Viper, River likes you." Aqua finally said, holding in her giggles. Both of their faces lit up as they stared each other down, wide eyed and speechless. "She's not lying.." River said as he put his talon on her face and kissed her, she didn't hesitate to kiss back, Aqua smiled lightly and backed away, she used her animus powers to leave a note that she was going to sacrifice herself to Silver. She left it in Viper's seashell in the sand next to her. Aqua sighed and took off into the air. She inhaled through her nose, smelling a light trace of Silver, she grinned, following it sternly. From a far distance she watched Silver land at a mountain, a big rock sat in front of it, she twirled down and watched him haha

"Dead to me" // A WoF SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now