CHAPTER 15 - Book 1 Finale

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Silver opened his eyes, as a bright smile flew to his face. He could see himself. HE WAS VISIBLE. By the time he got the spell right it was morning, so he wanted to try to find Aqua before it wore off, he started out his den and to his luck, Aqua was sitting on a rock right near his den, staring at the ocean. "AQUA!" He yelled, she flinched but instantly turned around, she stumbled back, slowly crying. "Aqua.. it's me.. it's me. Silver'Tear. It's me.." Silver begged, moving closer, he suddenly hit a random barrier, but that's when he realized you could only go a certain distance with it. He banged on the barrier. Aqua motioned closer slightly. "Usually these things go away by now.." She said with empty eyes, Silver's mouth opened. "W-what? Aqua I'm not an illusion it's really me!" He bellowed, Aqua flinched back, her ears fell down, tears running down her cheeks. "I know it's not you. Now run along illusion, or maybe it's just Lilac that tried to get a dragon to animus a mask to look like you." She barked, flaring her wings, Silver felt a tear go down his face. "No.. AQUA I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD IM NOT AN ILLUSION!" Silver roared loudly, flaring his large wings, banging the barrier loudly, his tail lashing around. "I ALREADY LOST YOU ONCE I CANT DO IT AGAIN!" Aqua cried harder. "Leave me alone.." That hurt Silver the most, but the thing that hurt him the most was what she said next.

"You're Dead To Me.." Those four words hit him like RainWing venom; painful and toxic. "Fine then.." Silver growled with tears streaming down his face as Aqua turned away from him. He held out his talons and mumbled some words.


Aqua was crying hard, she couldn't even tell the difference between her illusions and.. him. If it really was him. "Fine then.." She heard him say, suddenly a loud boom happened, shaking the trees around her as a large gust of wind sent her flying off the mini cliff, she landed on the rocks, rolling down into the sand as she eventually landed in the water, the last she saw was blood, and then she blacked out.

"She'll be fine, she can just heal herself." A familiar voice said, her head was aching and her vision and hearing was blurry, she lifted her head to see a blue and green SeaWing, holding a light blue pearly color like hers, with speckled white spots and bright luminescent scales. The smaller SeaWing was crying very hard, her vision slowly faded back and she finally realized she was in a large room, it looked way to familiar, she glanced across the room at the mini waterfall, and the large window she had. She was back in the Deep Palace, in her royal bedroom. Aqua sat up fast, then arched her back hard, roaring in pain, the 2 SeaWings instantly came over. "AQUA!" The green and blue one yelled, her eyes fully adjusted and she realized it was River and Viper..
"V-Viper.." Aqua stuttered, they both started crying. "Where the fuck have you been?! It's been 3 1/2 years! I thought you were dead..!" Viper yelled, tears streaming down her face like a waterfall. "I.. I didn't die.." Aqua said shakily, then got more serious and her attitude kicked back in. "Silver fucking killed himself before I did it to myself. I'd prefer not to be here." River's eyes widened, Viper winced. "Wait a minute.. AQUA! You lost your spark?!" River exclaimed, noting her pale blue eyes that had no sparkle in them anymore. "Yeah. Of course I do, I think you'd be in the same boat if Viper died.." She snapped back, making him flinch slightly, she hopped off the bed, groaning in pain but she made her way to her satchel. Viper held River tightly, Aqua grabbed her healing rock out of her satchel until a small greyish real SeaWing ran in the door. "MAWU!" It yelled, taking a very small jump to the air, trying to fly but then falling to the floor. "Shark..! I told you to stay with Current.. he's probably freaking out now.." Viper said holding the baby dragonet, who seemed to be named Shark. "Mommy and daddy are a little, busy right now.." River said, standing slightly taller. Wait.. THATS.. their kid?! She thought, jaw dropping slightly, she motioned for the door after putting her satchels on. "A-Aqua wait..!" Viper insisted, she stopped in her steps, sighing. "Viper I'm not welcome here.. y-you have a kingdom to run and a kid to raise.." She angled her head towards the family. Shark made cooing noises as he flapped his arms. "You're always welcome here.."
"Even though I could've come back but I didnt?!" She bellowed, flaring her wings. Shark winced, slightly petrified. Aqua sighed. "I scared your own kid. What kind of sister am I..?" She whispered before twirling out the door into the water, going past Current.
"Wait was that Aqua? That looked a lot like her.." He said, landing in the bedroom. The family of 3 nodded. "It was.. she didn't die.. the other one took his life instead." Viper sighed. Current's eyes widened. "Wait the dragon who wanted her dead, killed himself, for her? That doesn't make sense.." River nodded. "It really doesn't.."

"Dead to me" // A WoF SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now