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She couldn't believe what she saw, the NightWing from the arena, with another NightWing, holding a dagger over a SkyWing's head. The SkyWing wasn't a guard, it was just a normal SkyWing. "Shut up Steam..!" The NightWing with her friend yelled. The SkyWing winced. Aqua exhaled then leapt off the cliff, her wings glowing. "HEY!" Both NightWing's looked up. "Aqua..?" He asked, his wings fell slightly. "How did you escape..?!" He roared. Aqua landed down, glowing. "I have my ways.. but what the fuck are you doing?!" The NightWing winced. "I'm doing my job, he's my fucking target Aqua, now if you excuse me.." He said pushing her away. Aqua felt a stab of pain in her chest, she saw him lift the dagger, but Aqua yelped and jumped over the SkyWings body, getting stabbed in the side. "SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK AQUA?!" He yelled, stepping back. Aqua roared in agony. "Fuck..!" She yelled, resting her head on the rock she landed on. She kept her breathing steady, her glow started fading, both NightWings stared at her, but quickly he barked at his NightWing friend. "Ring, l-let's go." He said a bit hesitantly. Ring and the NightWing took off.

Silver POV:

Good job Silver, you fucking stabbed her! He growled, gliding with Ring. "Silver? You good? Who was that bitch?" Ring asked, flicking his tail. "She's.. ugh it's complicated. She was the one who I tried to get out of the arena with because with her talent she shouldn't be stuck there being forced to fight." Silver quoted, he flapped his wings to keep his speed but went back to gliding. "Huh~ you care about herr~" Ring said, with a sort of ooo face. Silvers eyes widened as he lifted his head. "Are you fucking serious, Ring?" He barked, trying to defend himself. "I- do not. Care about her, she's just another royal.." He said with a hint of sadness, but tried to shake it off. Ring sighed. "Look, I know you had a bad experience with her, but that doesn't mean you have to hate every Royal living on Pyrrhia. That girl.. Aqua? Just by seeing her I can tell she isn't like other Royals, and other Royals have seen us do what we do, and they usually, you know, freak out and try to snitch us out." He pointed out, Silver sighed a puff of smoke out his nose. "I hate when you're right." Ring chuckled. "I'm always right. And, where's Pitch?" Silver snapped back into thought, he still had to figure out who the spy was. "Pitch's dead." Ring's eyes widened. "What..? How?" Silver landed down at Ring's cave, he came in shortly after him. "Died in the arena." Ring growled lightly. "He got too cocky didn't he, thought he could take down the dragon and died easily." Silver scoffed. "Literally what happened, but Ring, there's something important.." Silver said, sitting down by the low fire, he breathed a small flame onto it, making it bigger. "What's up?" Ring said. Silver locked eyes with him. "There's a spy."

Aqua POV:

Aqua groaned, sitting up, she quickly pulled the knife out with a yell, her eyes watered. She quickly dove into the water and sat at the bottom of the cave, she opened her pouch as red water floated to the surface, she grabbed her seashell and held it tightly, she lit up her scales and the rock suddenly lit up, her wound started patching over, just leaving a scar. She swam back to the surface to check on the SkyWing. "Steam? Are you alright?!" She yelped, shaking water off her scales. "I- fin-e." He choked out. "Can you speak..?" Aqua asked, sitting down. "A lit-tle, ar-e . . y-ou. O-Kay?" Steam said, sitting up slowly. Aqua nodded. "I'm fine, what did they mean by 'target'.." She asked. "As-sass-in. Th-ey, as-sass-ins." Steam said, coughing a bit. Aqua's eyes widened. "they're.. assassins..?" Steam nodded. "They-re after- me, sin-ce I bro-ke priso-ners out of ja-il." He said, his voice slowly coming back as he rubbed his neck. "Oh.." Aqua said, she stood up, splashing some water onto his wounds. "Do you know their names..?" Steam shook his head. "No, I don't. I only know- the small-er one is Ring. I don-t know the oth-er one." He responded, Aqua nodded her head observingly. "I escaped the arena with the other one. Well, first attempt wasn't so successful and he got away but I got caught, then I gave a guard fake cuts so I could leave.. and now I'm here I'm Aqua by the way." She said in a whole breath. Steam let out a croaky chuckle. "You already know mi-ne." Aqua gestured for him to follow her, Steam had a limpy movement but he could keep up. "I know a place we can go to lie low, wanna come-?" She said, then there was some rustling in the bushes. Aqua growled, some daggers in her pockets floated out of them and hovered in a position facing the sound, ready to stab when needed. Then a SkyWing came out of the bushes. "STEAM!" She yelled, running to hug him. "Holy shit I thought he killed you..!" She said. Steam chuckled. "I'm alright Sunset, thanks to her at least." Steam said, holding Sunset as they both looked at her. Aqua cleared her throat, her daggers lowering. "oH! Yes, me..." She said a little nervous, even though she didn't know why. "Where were you heading?" Sunset asked, letting go of Steam and studying Aqua. "I know where there's a somewhat hidden cave, we were gonna lie low in there, it's just near the shore, ignored a lot." She said flicking her tail to the ocean. Sunset nodded. "Sounds good, let's go.." She said, Aqua ran swiftly through the trees until they arrived by the cave, they slipped in and the leafy canopy covered most of the entrance. "You do know Ring and the other guy are gonna be after you now.. like they won't stop until your dead." Sunset pointed out, she got a flame ready to light the fire but Aqua pushed her away, as nicely as she could. "The fire will draw attention..!" She whispered loudly. Steam leant against the wall in the back, there was a small rock window right next to him, a good escape judging they could all fit in it. "Fine.. your highness." Sunset mocked, she layed down on the cold rock not too far from Steam. They chatted quietly for a bit until they heard loud wingbeats. "Tch.. Silver is always so paranoid..! 'i dOnT kNoW iF I cAn tRuSt yOu SiNcE iM a BiG bAd StAr bEaSt..!'..why hire me if you can't trust me..!" The RainWing said mocking a deep voice, she kicked a log hard into the ocean with her tail. "Shh.." Aqua signalled quietly, the 3 of them snuck closer together quietly, staying in the shadows of the cave. "Go patrol the beach he said. Yeah why am I even looking for them?! WHO THE FUCK KNOWS!" She yelled. Sunset chuckled quietly, hiding her giggles. The RainWing looked across the ocean, there wasn't anyone there, she groaned, and started towards the cave, there was a big tree outside the entrance, Aqua was sure she had seen them, so she quickly mouthed to them. Get out of the cave, Steam, go out the window right next to my head, FAST. Steam seemed to get the memo as he rushed into the hole, fast and quiet, Aqua went in next and Sunset just a second behind her. "HEY!" The RainWing yelled, grabbing Sunset's leg before she was fully out of the tunnel. "Shit!" Sunset cursed as Aqua pulled her out quick. "RUN!" Aqua yelled, the 3 of them ran in the forest dodging most of the trees as the RainWing ran, following behind. Aqua saw the end of the cliff and started flaring her wings so it'd be a soft landing, Sunset and Steam did the same as they landed like a, loud feather on the grass. They ran in a covered-up-mostly ravine, the 3 of them stood right next to each other, neck in neck, Aqua quickly pulled her wings overtop of them and pulled them close to her, she rolled to the left fast, entering a cave. "CLOSE!" She yelled as her tail touched a big rock, covering the entrance. It was dark in the cave but it was fine for the time being. Steam found a torch and lit it up, there were 3 caves in the, cave. One went straight the other went up and the last went down. Sunset's leg was bleeding from the RainWing grabbing her leg, but Sunset didn't care, she just yawned and went to sleep by the big river that flooded through the cave.

Sunset yelped waking up, Aqua was using her animus rock to heal her wound, it was only partly healed since Sunset freaked out. "Relax..!" Aqua insisted, raising her claws. Sunset sat up growling a bit. "I'm fine. It'll heal on it's own, I don't want your 'special healing'." Aqua shrugged putting the rock in her satchel. "Alright, I just made it so it wouldn't get infected.." She said walking off. Aqua stared at the river, then slipped in slyly. She floated there, breathing steadily. I wonder who that RainWing was.. She thought, her mind flooded back to when they first got in the cave, she couldn't tell if she was heading right from the water in the cave but she swore she heard the RainWing say 'Nice work Lilac, now Silver's gonna be mad that you lost them..'. Aqua reached into her pouch and grabbed out a sapphire blue gem with a white marble handle, she stared at the dreamvisitor and held it close, she thought of Lilac and eventually she had a glimpse of her surrounding. Lilac was in a cave, with lots of knives on the walls and a table full of scrolls and a key. "You.. FUCKING LOST THEM?!" A loud voice roared, it sounded slightly familiar but she couldn't tell. "I'm sorry..! I went to the beach and they were there! But the SeaWing and the SkyWings snuck away..!" Lilac pleaded. The other dragon growled. "That SeaWing is a lot smarter than she looks, she knows who I am, that's why I need her, and I just have to kill those SkyWings and then everything will be fine.." He barked. Aqua tried to look at his face but she couldn't tell from her view. "Silver..-" Lilac started. "Shut it." The other one snapped, Lilac flinched, so Lilac was working with Silver. She didn't know who Silver was, she peered closer. "Leave." Silver said, flicking his tail, he turned towards Lilac and his face caught the light..
Silver was the one from the arena.. the one who attempted to free her, the one who's trying to kill Steam and Sunset.. and now her.

"Dead to me" // A WoF SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now