Chapter 14

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( Extra long chapter since this book is almost done. It'll probably be a series hehe. ;) )

Aqua gasped, waking up in a black void. She glanced around and saw thousands of events happening.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" She heard a voice yell, she turned around to see an image of Lilac yelling at Aqua, this is what she always thought would happen when she talked to her. "I'm sorry..." She had whispered back. "SORRY DOESNT CUT HAVING YOUR LOVER DIE!" Lilac bellowed, she always doubted that Lilac and Silver liked each other since they were coworkers, that scene slowly faded away as an image of Silver came in. "Aqua?" He whispered, a smile came to her face as she saw him, she ran to hug him but just fell right through him. "What the hell are you doing here?" He barked, she got up and realized it was the scene where she saved Steam. "I should ask you that!" She had responded. That scene faded away too. "Come home to me.." She heard Silver whisper from behind her, she whipped her head around to see Lilac and Silver hugging, she felt a stab of guilt in her chest. "HES MINE! I JUST WANT MY SILVER BACK!" Aqua yelled, crumbling to the ground, the ground turned out to be a bunch of black water, she sunk down as another scene came in. "You okay?" River asked, this was when Aqua actually had a crush on him when they were younger, but when she found out they had to get married she lost feelings. "I'm okay.." She responded to him as he sat down next to her. "I can't believe we're getting married! I'm kinda excited honestly." River said, suddenly a flash of Viper came into the scene and River vanished. Aqua growled.

(The next ones are going to be scenes that happened)

"Nice work down there Princess." Silver said congratulating her on the win in the arena, they smiled at each other.

"Relax I'm not going to kill you, I'll get us out of here, just watch for the plan tomorrow." He whispered in her head as they were taken out of the palace to the pillars.

"Can you dim your scales? Fuxking hell they're bright.." Silver groaned shielding his face with his wings.

"AQUA!" Silver roared, flying towards her. "HELP ME!" Aqua responded as Eagle pulled her back. "HOLD ON AQUA!" He yelled. The guards advanced on Silver as they chased him away, and she soon fell asleep.

"Why haven't you killed her yet?" Lilac barked. "Things take time.." He responded, Lilac had a grin on her face. "Silver you could easily kill her, gasp are you not killing her cause you LOVE HER?!" She yelled, flaring her dappled purple and grey wings. Silver slammed his tail on the ground growling, he did have a slight blush on his face. "I DO NOT!"

"I only trust my coworkers or friends with my identity, that's why I need you dead because.. y-you're nobody to.. me.." Silver said, Aqua flinched back before yelping, being pulled into the water by River.

"No." Silver said, Aqua tilted her head slightly. "'No' what?" In a flash Silver ran up to her and took the knife away from her and ran back to where he stood before, he looked up at her with his soft, grey eyes, and plunged the knife into his chest. "NO!" Aqua screamed, running towards him, everything was going in slow motion for her it felt, Lilac gasped. "SILVER! SILVER PLEASE! NO DONT LEAVE ME!" She yelled, collapsing at his side. Aqua reached into her satchel and pulled out an earring, holding it she mumbled some words to enchant it to keep him alive, but by the time she put it on him, it was too late.

"SILVER!" Aqua yelled, making Charcoal jump as Citrus growled in reflex. She rushed over. "Aqua? Holy shit are you okay?!" Aqua tried to stand up, tears rolling down her face, she reached out for Silver as the image of him faded away, she cried harder. "Silver..." Charcoal held her up and Citrus helped as much as he could with his firescales "What happened?" He asked, Aqua let out a shaky exhale. "Silver's that NightWing she was with a few years ago here, we can't let Hyena see her cause she escaped, he has good facial memory.." Charcoal said, Citrus nodded and put a note on the door saying "Do not disturb, occupied" and locked it. "Why are you crying over him? Did that bastard break your heart?!" She growled, Aqua shut her eyes, curling up on the bed she was placed on. "No, he stabbed his though.." Citrus and Charcoal's eyes widened as they looked from each other to Aqua. "W-wait he's d-"
"YES HE'S DEAD!" She cried out. "Oh Aqua.." Charcoal said, giving her a hug, she sniffled as Citrus nodded comfortingly, since he couldn't put a hand on her shoulder. "When was the last time you slept? You've been out for hours.." Aqua thought back. "About.. a month and a bit maybe? I try to only sleep about once a mont-"
"AQUA WHAT THE FUCK?! THAT COULD KILL YOU!" She exclaimed, Citrus growled in his mouth, not impressed with her decision. "You have to let him go Aqua.." Citrus said, Aqua mumbled scaredly. "I can't forget him. I CANT! It's been three years.. I know.. but I'm not giving up this easily!" Charcoal winced, looking down. "We'll leave you be, Aqua, for your own health, think about what Silver would want you to do if he was here.." Then they both left, with a thump on the door. Silver.. I wish you could tell me what to do..

"Dead to me" // A WoF SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now