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Aqua gasped, flying out of the water, she coughed some water since she swallowed some water, even though she was SeaWing that still happens. "Aqua!?" Steam asked running over. "Silver.. Ring.. they're after us..! They want us dead since we know who they are..!" She choked out. She stood up shakily. "We aren't safe here..! And we won't be anywhere!" Sunset grabbed her shoulders. "Aqua. Look at me." Aqua stared right at Sunset. "We, will live, we can go to the Old Volcano, or maybe even the RainForest, be strong." She hissed in a supporting way. Aqua nodded, exhaling. Maybe some RainWings will let us hang there.. but then again they might not because if Silver finds us they won't want an assassin in the forest.. Aqua thought, she swam in the water as Steam and Sunset followed. "Wait. Can you guys hold your breath for a little while?" Sunset and Steam looked at each other. "Yeah? Why?" Sunset asked. "Good, come with me and follow the light." Aqua said going back to where they hid-out for the night, she went under and they followed her light, it was a tunnel that led to the ocean, it was about 20 minutes and she could tell they were loosing breath so she sped up, luckily that they were SkyWings they kept up pretty well. The ocean was very dark until her night vision came in, she took their talons and brought them to the surface. They gasped and coughed for air, soon their breathing relaxed. "Why are we at the ocean?" Steam asked, Aqua pointed to the shore. "I have to grab something, go hide over there, I'll be back soon!" She called before diving into the water, she swam as fast as she could, searching the ocean floor, she found her spot she hid a secret chest under, she quickly opened it and grabbed a black skyfire gem, she attached it to her wrist and put the chest away hidden. She pushed off the sand, sending waves and sand behind her, she was about to approach them until she saw a dragon holding Steam by the neck. She realized it was Silver, how had they gotten there so fast..?! She swam faster, flashing her wings as bright as they could go, Silver growled, bubbles coming out of his mouth as he covered his eyes. Sunset was being held by Lilac but she knew Silver was more menacing, she reached out to grab Silver, she got his wrist and pulled him, but then a dagger went straight through his head..
"NO! STEAM!" She yelled in muffled bubbles, Aqua held him, grabbing her rock from her pouch, she prayed it would work, but nothing happened, the rock stopped glowing as if it had lost his soul. Aqua put Steam's dead body on a rock, Sunset stood up and came out of the water, she saw Steam's body and froze, her wings shuddered. "What did you do to him..." Sunset growled. "W-what..?" Aqua said turning to look at her. "YOU HEARD ME SQUID-BRAIN! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Sunset yelled, flaring her orange and yellow wings. "I-I didn't kill him! It was Silver I swear!" Aqua said trying to defend herself. "Sure.. and after I thought you were different.. see you bitch.." She said running then flapping off into the air. Aqua yelled in anger, lashing her tail into the water wildly, a blue and green SeaWing emerged from the water. "Aqua?! Holy shit what happened here- why are you covered in blood next to a dead body-" River started, he stumbled back. "Did you kill him..?" Aqua bolted around, taking River's talons in hers. "River, you have to believe me. I didn't kill him, I know who it was but I'm not allowed to say..!" She begged, tears running down her cheeks. "Shh.. Aqua it's okay.. I believe you.." River said hugging her, then she followed him back to the deep palace, they both sat in Aqua's room, she cleaned the blood off her scales and looked fresh. "Please tell me who it is, I never leave the palace anyway, and I only have you or Viper to tell; and I won't tell Viper." River said, lying on the floor. "River, I want to tell you but if he finds out he'll kill you too.." Aqua said getting a slice of fish. "Oooh it's a 'he'~?" River scoffed. Aqua chuckled sadly. "No.. I'm just, a SeaWing to him." She took her fish and sat on her bed, eating it slowly. "Maybe he does like you." River suggested, Aqua choked on her fish. "Hell no, he could do way better honestly.." He sat up. "Tell me who then." Aqua threw away the bone of the fish, glaring at him. "Lilac, the RainWing he was partnered with, or hired at least, she's smart and deadly. And I'm just a SeaWi-"
"Aqua you are so stupid.." River groaned flicking his wings lightly. "Excuse you I'm going to be the next Queen?" Aqua said with her smug 'royal talk' voice. "You do realize that Lilac is literally just a RainWing. She's nothing special, just a RainWing that doesn't have a chirpy heart like most." River commented, standing up and walking around the room. "If he likes her, he shouldn't have a problem with liking you. She's just an ordinary RainWing, and you're just a somewhat ordinary SeaWing, mk?" Aqua rolled her eyes with an mkay sound. "It's getting late, you should get some sleep.." River said heading for the current. "Wait!" Aqua called, he turned towards her. "Can you.. stay the night? The past week I've gotten used to sleeping with someone near me, and I kinda feel lonely right now, well very lonely.." River smiled. "Of course Aqua, I'll sleep on the floor-" He started, instead of the floor he was on a Royal Prince bed. "You and your stupid Animus magi- oh my god this is so comfy.." Aqua laughed as he made himself comfortable. "Goodnight.." She said, River mumbled a goodnight back and they both went off to sleep, and the whole night, Aqua dreamed about her killer, Silver.

"Dead to me" // A WoF SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now