Chapter 29

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Blaze's POV

I looked through my list of events in my Xtransiver out of pure boredom. Storm was asleep on the couch, with everyone else but Sunshine and Midnight tucked away in their pokeballs. I got a sudden call from my father. Hastily going into the bathroom so i didnt wake anyone, i answered. "Blaze, I want to tell you something." He automatically said. He held his head up higher. "Your pokemon passed my inspection test. I need you to release Cresselia." The news hit me like a blast of cold water. "But Father-" "Enough! It must be done! Cresselia vowed until your thirteenth birthday she shall guard you! She devoted her time for your protection!" And with that, he was gone. I sighed. From the closed door, i heard Storm's alarmed voice. "But Daddy! I love Darkrai! I don't want to lose him!" I waited until the conversation was over before entering the room. In an instant, i was gathering a sobbing Storm into my arms. I gave her a kiss on top of her head. "It's okay." i whispered, slowly stroking her hair. She pulled back and gave me a whimsical smile. We both grasped our former guardian's pokeballs and released them. "Our fathers seek for us to free you." i said, then broke the pokeball in half reluctantly. Storm, starting to cry again, couldn't bring herself to do it. She rushed forwards and embraced Darkrai, sobbing once more. He stroked her hair as i did, then pushed her away. "Here." His deep voice echoed. He handed her a black dreamcatcher, and Cresselia summoned a white one for me. I looked at it. Darkrai and Cresselia together said an oath in the Ancient Languge and handed us the trinkets. "So no nightmares invade you." Cresselia swore. "And good dreams thrive in you." Darkrai finished. After we recieved the dreamcatchers, Storm mustered enough strength to break the dusk ball. Then the duo disappeared. Storm wavered, then collapsed into sobs again. I held her close, ignoring the pain of the tears seeping into my flesh. She abrubtly tore away from me when the sizzling began to sprout, then threw out Koari. "Major dousing. Not good for you, Blaze." was his immediate response. Storm burst into tears and slumped to the floor. Ignoring Koari, i rushed to her and placed my arm across her shoulders. "Its been a hard day, i know." i whispered to her. "Im sor-sorry..." She gulped, still crying. I held her close. "Shh. Its okay. How about a good night's sleep?" I picked her up and placed her on the bed, kissing her tears away. I placed the covers around her tired body and caressed her cheek until she fell asleep. I hung her dreamcatcher over her head on the wall. Backing away, i rubbed my drenched shoulder. Koari beckoned me over and applied salve onto my wet marks and sat back. "So, the two lovey dovey Eeveeloutions got a child, huh?" He chuckled. "Quite an eventful time we've had so far." I joked, shrugging a new undershirt overtop of my chest. I clambered onto the couch and returned Koari, thanking him. I fell asleep soon after. Dispite not having my dreamcatcher overhead, i had lucid, happy dreams. I awoke at daybreak, as usual, and Sunny was rubbing my hand, which had fallen off the couch. "Morning." i stroked her fur. "Morning." she crooned. I clambered off the couch and slipped on my usual jacket, not my Reshiraim sweatshirt. I carefully folded it into my bag along with the white pants, and slipped into my black ones. I then walked over to the egg. I brushed my fingertips against it. It was an older generation egg, so it would probatly take years to hatch. I sighed. We needed a sort of incubator or something for it or a safe place if it would take that long. I clambered up to my feet and looked up. Storm emerged from the bathroom, dressed in her normal attire as well, having the Zekrom sweatshirt tucked away. after breakfast, we left for the next Route. As we ventured throught the forest, rustling bushes startled us from behind. Storm stiffened and went all old-style, before she opened up to me. She growled. The rustling moved to the right side. Storm growled again. A brown and red creature sprang from the bushes and shoved us both down. I was about to scream when- "Entei?" I questioned. "Entei! You terrifyed me!" I scolded. He chuckled. "Sorry im a few days late. Takes a while to get here from all across another region or two, you know?" His gravelly voice chuckled again. "Anyway, happy birthday you two! I see you are in a releationship." His large eyebrows raised up and down. I turned a deep crimson color. Storm blushed only a little. I had forgotten pokemon can sense that, dispite being a pokemon myself. "Alright, how have you two been?" He sat down on his haunches, then spied the egg in Storm's arms. "Good Arceus! That's not yours, is it?" He gruffly turned his head side to side to look at us both. I faded into darker red. Storm jumped along. "Gosh no! Its theirs" I motioned to Sunshine and Mindnight, who were blushing a little as well. Entei sighed in relief. "I know perfectly well that pokemon like yourselves are eligible to marry at sixteen, but do not scare me like that!" He chuffed, then chuckled. "Sorry. Say, thats an older generation egg, is it not? Since you travellers don't have a permanent place to stay, how about i keep it along, until you two have proper housing?" Storm thrust it to him. "Please." she begged. Entei took it and carefully placed it securly on his back. Sunny and Dusk bowed. "We are honored for our child to be tended to by a great legend such as yourself, Entei." "Oh, posh!" He exclaimed. "I'm just like you! I was born an Eevee and when that blasted tower burnt my brothers and i, good ol' Ho-Oh let us evolve into monstorus versions of Flareon, Jolteon, and Vaporeon. We are of your blood! Now, i must be going. I shall take care of the little one, yes? Now please, if you need me, just holler! Or just get your Dads. Oh! I'll keep my lips sealed about you two at the meeting tomorrow, hmm?" And with that, he was gone. The meeting. How could i have forgotten? Every year, a few days after my birthday, all the legendaries meet at the Great Hall, where i was with Arceus. I turned to Storm. "You think we can sneak to each other's houses and see what its like?" She asked. "Sounds great to me." I agreed, and we set foot into the Route connector.

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