Chapter 19- Sophie

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"DID YOU NOT HEAR WHAT HE SAID?!" Keefe practically shrieked. I grabbed his hand to calm him, but he was pretty much fuming. He pushed my hand away.

"Keefe, it'll be okay. I promise. If Mr. Forkle is suggesting this plan it means he knows we'll be okay." I tried to believe my own words. I'm doing this for them. I kept repeating to myself.

"I'm not letting you. I already made this mistake and I'm not letting you make it too. Do you get it?" Keefe said, stressed. Linh, Wylie and Tam had left the room, while Fitz had gone with Della to find Marella and her family, as well as bring everyone's families to the hideout. Currently Keefe and I were back in our original room, and he was arguing with me over the plan. 

"Keefe, it's not a mistake if I'm doing it on purpose." I told him. I sighed and looked him in the eye.

"I'm sorry." He said. He turned away from me, so I walked up to him and motioned for him to sit beside me. He did. 

"Listen, I'm going to be okay. We're going to be together. Everything will be okay. I promise Keefe." I said. I wrapped my arms around him, as silent tears rolled down our faces. It had been about half an hour, before Fitz had come back and Mr. Forkle called another meeting, but with the parents. Fitz had come to get Keefe and I before going to find the other 3. Marella was also with us at this point. When we walked into the other bedroom, nobody was there. All of a sudden the shadows uncovered to reveal Linh and Wylie. Not Tam. Linh was sobbing against Wylie's chest.

"Where's Tam?" Fitz asked.

"They.... t-took....h-h-him." Linh answered between sobs.

"He.. c-covered us.....with sh-shadows, th-though." She added. Everyone had moved to the bed and sat in silence for a while. I leaned my head on Keefe's shoulder and took his hand. 

"We'll do whatever it takes." Keefe said surprising everyone. He got up and left the room, without another word. I didn't follow him. Instead I got up and walked outside. I needed fresh air. That's when I realised the pattern. I rushed inside to look for Keefe. Thankfully, I found him back in the other bedroom.

"Keefe. I found a pattern." I told him about my findings, and we went to tell everyone else.

"Interesting theory, Mrs. Foster." Mr. Forkle was the first to talk when we finished. 

"I can predict someone I think will be next. I think they will try to take Della next, as well as Linh and Wylie. I can imagine they would want to take Grady and Edaline after that. This meaning we have to evacuate the hideout and-" Mr. Forkle interrupted my rant.

"Sophie, I believe you are onto something. We will stick to the original plan, but we must add a few things that are crucial. First, Stina and Maruca will be joining us, and Maruca will be using her ability to aid you. We must also add something else that is very important. Or should I say someone." He motioned for someone to come forward, and I gasped when I realised who it was.

Lol. This is soooo short. Idk who it's gonna be yet but I know it's gonna shock y'all and you'll never expect this. MWAHAHAHA! I'm so evilllllllllllllllllll! I'm gonna stop before this random rant gets out of hand. Byeeeeeeeee -Allybear

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