Little Red Dots

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Mathews 2p Matt led (y/n) down a twisting dark passage at a slow speed, the entire place felt off, like a hotel you arrive too late at 12:00 and nobody is there. Like a hotel there were doors lining up a hallway presumably the 2ps rooms. Unlike a hotel it felt expensive and not cheap, but like a hotel the atmosphere felt oppressive and cold. He finally stops in front of an old oaken door, a lot like one you'd find in a medieval castle, or to be more accurate, a medieval dungeon. He opens the door for (Y/n) and she hesitantly stepped inside.

The room looked exactly like her bedroom at the Edelstein mansion, only instead of feeling whimsical and like the bedroom of a princess, it felt darker, kind of like the bedroom Brier Rose slept in for 100 years and a day waiting for her prince to arrive. All the tones were darker and some of the furniture looked like it was decaying.

The other thing to catch (Y/n)'s eye was her closet filled with brightly colored frankly elegant dresses.

Matt learned by the doorway crossing his arms "This is your room, you are staying here for a bit until we find out what to do with you. Feel free to choose a dress since dinner is ready in 45 minutes and those rags aren't doing you any good. my work here is done."

(Y/n) was about to tell him her dress was perfectly fine, the mirror by the door told a different story, her beautiful dress was destroyed, the green dress was almost ripped and there were so many rips and wrinkles and blood stains it barely looked recognizable, at first (Y/n) felt like she was staring at a ghost.

"I don't understand? When am I going back what is this what is that who are-"

"Kid, do I look like a help receptionist or something? I'm not gonna answer every question, talk to Oliver or Luciano or someone more willing to take your shit."

Matt groaned and slammed the door behind him, locking it shut.


(Y/n) felt like she was banging on the door for hours, when it had only been 5 minutes, (Y/n) gave up since her efforts resulted in fruitlessness. A wave of thoughts were running through her head.

"What just happened, am I really on the other side of the mirror? What were they protecting me from? Why didn't they tell me? Wasn't Kuro the one who kidnapped me from the Edelstein mansion? What's going on?"

A wave of memories hit her like a bullet.

"You know, you are the only person who hasn't tried communicating with the mirror."

Lovino threw a fresh sheet of lyrics and the baseball bat Alfred dropped.

"Let's see if you can make magic happen."

And just like that, Lovino disappeared and he made his way home, (Y/n) stared at the sheet of lyrics and thought to herself.

She remembered the kidnapping.

For one the the soft grass he was sitting on was ice frozen, the icy grass he was sleeping on was completely melted. Hell all the greenery was frozen over, the flowers on the April tree above her were covered in a thick sheet of ice with crystals hanging over her head. The worst part was the sky, the second she looked at that sky (Y/n) knew exactly what was going on.

First glance at the sky looked normal enough, but the thing was, when you looked closer it was almost-

"Blood red"

They were after her.

He rung the doorbell making (Yn) jump.

"Open up the door"

Eyebee ( 50's AU Yandere 2p!Hetalia + Child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now