Part 12

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The one thought that never failed to confuse me was that every time I was seemingly in danger, the bad guys left. It had been a few days after I went back home but the confusion never left.

I was laying in bed trying to wrap my brain around whywhywhy when I decided to do what I had been holding off on ever since I first realized this.

Text Calum Hood.

I pulled up his contact and tried to figure out what to say to him. It's not likely he'll respond anyway, right? I typed out a simple "Why" and turned my phone off. As I reached to turn off the light and try to sleep I heard a loud knock on my door and I gasped. I slowly walked to the kitchen to grab a weapon and looked out the peephole once again only to quickly open the door as I saw a bloodied Calum outside my door.

I pulled him to the couch and grabbed his face to inspect the damage. Calum winced and tried to talk but I shushed him and went to the first aid kit. When I came back Calum was hunched over and groaning and I quickly got to work. No words were exchanged as I cleaned his wounds. I didn't even know why I was doing it.

After a while, Calum grabbed my wrist lightly and pulled it away from his injuries. "I didn't come here to be cleaned up." He said lowly. I shook my head and tried to continue my work before he moved and started talking again.

"I came here to make sure you were okay. And to tell you-"

"I already know, Calum." I cut him off but he shook his head and groaned in frustration.

"I don't care about what you've read online or heard about. I need to tell you the truth." I waited for him to continue but he didn't. He just looked at me expectantly so I nodded for him to carry on.

"Okay, so I run a crime syndicate that's international. I don't work in finance. I never wanted to tell you because I didn't want to scare you away but since day one you've been protected. You're the first name I put on the 'No-Harm' list and that's all I ever wanted. I just wanted you to be safe but the only fucking person that hurts you is me." I was shocked. Reading something online was one thing but hearing it out loud and confirmed is completely different. The only thing that I was learning for the first time was the "No-Harm" list.

"That's why the guys always ran off when they saw me," I said, finally connecting the dots.

"They were instructed to never harm you under any circumstances. But the other thing I need to tell you is something I need you to understand." I didn't know what else he could possibly say that could shock me any more than what he already has.

"I love you."

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