Part 17

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I woke up to a gentle shaking on my arm. I opened my eyes and squinted at the bright sunlight pouring into the room. Calum continued to lightly shake me, easing me from sleep with every touch.

"Morning, sunshine." He whispered when I finally turned to face him. I groaned as he laughed at my pain before I eventually sat up. I somehow had Calum's shirt on and I soreness in between my legs. I blushed lightly, remembering last night. Calum stole my attention as soon as I started to spiral into the events that unfolded the night before.

"I know it's last-minute but we have a flight leaving today. I wish we could've stayed longer but duty calls. 'Duty' meaning your classes." I sighed and nodded as I moved to get ready for the day. Calum moved behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, his head in the crook of my neck. "I'm sorry, baby." He said softly into the skin of my neck. I smiled and turned around in his arms. I held his face in my hands and leaned in for a short kiss.

"Any time I spend with you is perfect. You don't have to apologize for anything." I looked into his eyes to make sure he understood me. He smiled softly and leaned his forehead against mine.


The flight back home was long but time seemed to pass quicker when I was with him. We moved as close to each other as possible in the cramped cabin of the plane and shared earbuds. I was pleasantly surprised at the wide variety of his music library and when I felt myself drifting off to Ed Sheeran, Calum kissed my head and laid my head on his shoulder.

When I woke up again, Calum was watching a movie on the screen in front of him and I pulled one of his earbuds out to watch it with him. No words were spoken between us but the look in his eyes and the warmth in his smile told me everything. I could only hope I came even slightly close to expressing the depth of the feelings in my chest. We got to the end credits when the plane finally landed and we quickly headed out to get our luggage.

We ended up at my small apartment as usual and lounged on the couch until the sun disappeared from the sky. I felt Calum's gaze lingering on me and decided to tease him.

"Alright stalker, you've been staring at me for the past ten minutes." I grabbed my mug on the coffee table and took a sip as he stayed quiet.

I turned to look at him before he responded. "Just counting the things I love about you." He replied and I couldn't help but roll my eyes and gag at the cheesiness of his statement. I tried to ignore the blush on my cheeks as I did so.

"Shut the fuck up, Cal," I mumbled softly into the rim of my mug. The crinkles by his eyes appeared as I spoke but he didn't stop the conversation. "Don't pretend you didn't love that. I bet I could make you blush at least ten times a day if I tried." He spoke smugly and I turned to him again, amused at his challenge.

"Seriously? That's probably the most idiotic idea you've ever had?" I replied with a laugh. "So we're doing it?" He asked after a quick beat of silence. "Oh, absolutely, without a doubt," I responded immediately and we laughed. We started planning the rules of the challenge and when it would begin when Calum got the dreaded call. He was needed at work.

He sighed and grabbed his phone before looking over at me sympathetically. I tightly smiled and nodded, telling him it was okay. He kissed my forehead before mouthing out 'I love you' and heading out the door. I was left in my apartment, alone but I couldn't help the sudden pit of anxiety I felt in my stomach.

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