Part 14

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After the late-night baking incident, things between Calum and I started to go back to normal. We weren't together but we also weren't awkward about it either. We constantly hung out in between my classes and even though I knew what he really did after he left due to "business" I didn't seem to care as much.

I stared at my phone as I waited for Calum to pick me up from my campus when I felt someone tug my backpack suddenly. I gasped and stumbled backward before I regained my balance and turned to see my best friend Cade laughing. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms before smiling as well.

"Hey, ugly." He said cheerily and I laughed before turning to him, "What's up, asshole?".

We laughed before he pulled me into a tight hug. "I miss you. I feel like we don't see each other anymore and I don't have anyone to bully anymore." Cade pouted as we pulled away and I scoffed, "We just had a class together. I sat next to you the entire time while you kept trying to hit my forehead and said my hoodie made me look like I had the body type of a hydro flask." Cade failed at trying to hold back his laughter as I turned away from him, unamused. He grabbed my hand as he spoke again, "First of all I was trying to give you a high five cause your five head was just asking for it."

My jaw dropped in shock as I hit his chest and his laughter only increased. I only stopped hitting him when I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned to see Calum with his jaw clenched tightly and his hands in his pockets. I smiled and went to greet him but he motioned to his car and opened the door for me before I could speak. I dropped Cade's hand and said my goodbyes before joining Calum. I knew better than to talk to him when he was in a mood like this, so I sat in silence as he gripped the steering wheel while not moving the car from its parked position.

"I just got a call from the office and I have some business to take care of in London and Berlin." He spoke firmly and I turned to look at him but he only looked at his fists. I felt some unease in my stomach at the thought of not having him around as regularly but I smiled instead. "That sounds fun?" I spoke in more of a question than a statement.

"It'll be for a few days but I don't know maybe, maybe you would want to, like..." He trailed off towards the end and I was surprised. My mind raced at the idea of what he seemed to be implying. "Cal you know I would love to go but I have classes and I'm trying to get a job and it just isn't the right time," I replied sympathetically, "And it sucks because honestly who wouldn't want to take a trip to London and Berlin?" I rambled on but Calum cut me off with a short, almost bitter laugh. "I'm sure you'll be fine with your friend while I'm gone." My eyes widened and I let out a large laugh. Many people assumed I was dating Cade or had feelings for him but that was the farthest from the truth.

"Yeah, we actually had plans to get together one night and go drinking and hopefully get some action." I saw Calum tense up before I continued, "Yeah, he's been begging to go out since he broke up with his boyfriend." Calum turned to look at my smug face and laughed lightly while shaking his head. "Ok, I'm an idiot. Message received." Calum spoke in his normal tone as he finally put the car in drive. I laughed as we drove to the coffee shop.

That day was about a week ago and tonight was the night that Calum left. I couldn't sleep and decided to send him a message to make sure he would be okay.

Y/N: Stay safe Cal. I'll miss you and your goofy ass while you're gone:( Love you

I hit send before I realized what I had said and got a reply instantly.

Calum: Fuck, I'll miss you too. Are you sure you don't want to come with me?

I contemplated his offer again and realized that 1.) Classes are canceled for the week for a holiday break and 2.) Job searching can happen while I'm away. With that in mind, I quickly sent a reply.

Y/N: I may have realized how much I want to come with you and how stupid I am for telling you no before....

Calum: Well then you better pack a bag and get your ass outside because I'm waiting in the car.

I jumped out of bed and shoved clothes and other necessities into a duffle bag before putting on some shoes and heading outside. After I found Calum's car I realized that I didn't exactly know what "business" he had to handle when we got there. I started to get nervous but before I knew it I was walking into a hotel room in London with Calum behind me.

We walked into the spacious room that seemed to only have one bed and I laughed. Calum saw what I was looking at and started to blush. He was about to speak before I dropped my bag and pulled him to the bed. "Cal it's just a bed. We've shared them before and it's no big deal. Plus I'm too tired to argue about this so get in the damn bed." Calum smiled softly and pulled back the covers for us both before getting in.

Calum unintentionally hogged most of the covers and mattress and I kicked him lightly on the shin. "You're taking up the entire bed, can you please move?" There was silence but I huffed, knowing Calum wasn't asleep yet. "I know you're not asleep you jerk, I will kung fu fucking kick you out of this bed." I got a laugh in response and Calum moved over with a "sorry". I cuddled into the covers and started to drift off when I heard Calum say softly "I'm so glad you came with me. I love you. Goodnight."

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