Le Summoned

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Last time: I wonder why he was summoning us? (It's close enough)
*Le Time Skip*
"What's the Mudblood doing here my lord?"
"Seriously!" Scarlett shrieked "I thought you said there would be snacks"
"I said no such thing"
"Sure Volde- Father"
"I give up"
"You stay out of this"
(please tell me someone got that reference. If you did say the next line in the comments.)
"Mother you better stay out of this!"
Whispers of confusion erupted through the meeting.
"Mother? Father?"
"Margret stay out of this"
"Oh hell nah"
"Charlie just because you lived in America..."
"Whatch you gon do? Hmm?"
"If you don't stop that..."
"Whatch you gon do?"
"I will make you wear a glamour that makes you look like a booger girl"
"You wouldn't"
"I just did"
(For those of you who a confusia this is and argument between Scarlett and Charlie [Riddle])

*Le Time Skip"
"What, what is it."
"Pans is MAD"
"Good luck~"
"I hate you"

People I'm losing inspiration...
Any ideas?
Love from

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