Ze Play

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Remember that play I mentioned in Chapter 16?
Here it is.

Ze Sexist Princes fate
Pansy ran on stage. She was dressed as a kite. (🪁)
She sang a musical number like she had just inhaled helium.
Then Daph ran, caught her, and dropped her. Much to the audiences amusement.
The narrator than began:
"Once upon atime- actually no never mind forget it"
The audience laughed.
Margret then ran on to the stage and did some really stupid sh*t. (No I'm not going to tell you use this mythical thing called Imagination~)
"Oi Princess save me from the clutches of sexism and racism"
"No I'm just piss drunk and when we get home you are going to change out of men's clothing"
(Sorry feminists it gets better though)
"Oh hell nah"
"I shall hitith you than"
"Nope Id rather the dragon eat you"
"Alright then SAVE ME"
"The narrater has unquit" the narrator said "also I am very pleased to inform you that the princess left the prince to die and then ruled the kingdom"
The were several "Go princess" and also several "Girls can't do a mans work."
Those who said the second were left to be eaten by real dragons.

You thereith?
Well people's if you want another chapter we need at least 10 comments.
5 of them have to be ideas fo a new chapter.
The other 5 I do not care.
Friendship and cookies 🍪:

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