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Nitya's POV

I never thought that he will come at my house when i'll be alone. And how great that both guards are also not here. Anyway I dont think they would have been able to stop him. 
But there is no way I am letting him in.

I immedietley tried to close the door on his face but he placed his feet in between the door and the frame and pushed the door hard and came inside as he closed the door behind him.

To be honest he was really looking handsome. I am sure he can get any girl he wants. Girls must be throwing themselves at him. I dont understand why he wants me? Why cant he find someone else?

" Like what you see Love?" He said with a smirk. He shamelessly looked at me up and down.  I cleared my throat to draw his attention towards my face.

"Why are you here Viraj? Dad is not home so if you have something to tell him or threaten him again then come tomorrow. Now leave" I said with some courage.

"I Am not here for your father love. I Am here for you. I missed you. I wanted to spend some quality time with you." He said while coming closer to me.

" I dont want to spend time with you. So Leave" I said.

" I really have to teach some manners to you. But first take this." He said while giving me a bag.

" Whats in it?" I asked looking at that bag.

" It is not a bomb. Take it. Its chinese food from your favourite resturant. I thought you would be tired to cook something so I bought it." He said while going into the kitchen.

" What are you doing now? Why are you going in there? If you want to give me that bag then give it and go please." I said arrogantly.

" You really have no manners love. Is this the way you treat your guests. Now shut your mouth and go and turn on tv. GO". He said while serving food in two plates. Hot and delicious aroma hit my nose and my stomache growled. He immedietly looked at me and give me a smile. I immedietly ran to turn on tv not wanting to get embarresed.

It was sweet that he bought my favourite food. If he was not a mafia king then may be I would have given a thought to him. But he is a monster. He kills innocent people. And loving such person is itself a big crime.

He came and sat on couch beside me and gave me my plate. I murmured thank you to him. I was very hungry so I did not pay any attention to him or tv and digged in my food. I placed the first bite in my mouth and unconsciously a moan left from my mouth. Food was really delicious. I looked towards viraj who was now staring at me in awe.
" You are so adorable." He said while pinching my cheeks.
" Have you never seen a woman eating? Stupid" I said while stuffing food in my mouth.
" I never ate with any women. You are the first one." He said while smiling.
" If you want I can do other things to you which will make you moan in pleasure like you did before." He said while smirking. I really some times want to punch his handsome face to remove that evil smirk.

" Keep your dirty thoughts to yourself as it can only happen in your imagination." I said.

" Oh love trust me. Soon you will beg me to take you." He said while looking towards my lips.

I immedietly get up from couch as I finished my food and ran towards kitchen. I placed my plate in sink.

My heart was beating very fast. He only talked dirty to me and this was my condition. What if he... No no I cant let that happen.

Suddenly the atmosphere became tensed as I felt a presence behind me. I turned as my eyes met with his dark orbs. He was standing very close to me as our nose were touching. He placed his hand on my waist and looked towards my lips. As he leaned towards me I came to my senses and I pushed him away.

" Um..We are done eating so now you can leave. I have to sleep now as tomorrow is my annual function so I have a lot of work to do tomorrow." I said while looking  anywhere but him.

He came towards me and placed his hand on both side of me trapping me between him and the kitchen top. He leaned towards my ear.
" I am not done with you my love. You still have to get your punishment for slapping me and for taking that fucker to the hospital." He whispered and nibbled on my earlobe. And slowly placed a kiss my neck. I shivered by touch of his lips on my neck.

Now I was beyond scare. What punishment he wants to give me? Will he beat me? Will he kill me for slapping him? Tears appeared in my eyes.

He immedietly cupped my face. And looked worriedly towards me.
" What happend love? Why are you crying?" He asked worridly. Why is he worried now. He is the one who wants to punish me.

" Are you going to beat me or kill me now?" I said as tears were flowing from my eyes.

" My innocent Love" He whispered as he wiped my tears. 

" No my love I am not going to kill you or beat you. I will never do that to you. I love you can I even do that to you." He said.

Then what he means by punishing me?

Before I could have asked he put me on his shoulder and started walking upstairs.

" What the hell are you doing? Put me down right now?" I said in panic. I started hitting his back but it did not affect him.

He took me to my room and placed me down. And closed the door behind him. And turned towards me with a evil smile.

" Lets start your punishment Love."
He said while looking towards me with lust.


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