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Viraj's POV

Yesterday's night was the best night of my life. First time my Nitya was sleeping in my arms. Yesterday was the first time I kissed her. I still cant forget the touch of her lips. It was hard for me to control myself but I dont want to rush things. I want her consent when I will take her. Soon she will get used to my touch.

I had to leave early in the morning because of work but I am going to meet Nitya at her annual function. I cant miss her dance for a world. And she will be surprised to see me as the cheif guest at her annual function. She does not even know that I am the new trustee of her college. Only reason of being the trustee of her college and chief guest at her function is I dont want any other male to look at her with bad intentions. And if I will be there then no body will dare.

I also had buisiness in New York. Every month I paid visit there for a week to keep check on everything. Other time Viren kept watch on everything. Viren is my little brother. Who handles all my buisiness in New York. I am planning to go to New York next week. But I dont want to go leaving Nitya here. I cant even stop thinking about her for a minute. And leaving for a week without seeing her is too much for me.

At 4 PM I went for her annual function. Her principle welcomed me with respect. I could see  Suryakumar's angry face from the stage. It will be fun when he will know about my love for Nitya. I smiled wickedly.

After 4-5 boring performances they annoumced her name. I was very excited to see her. Lights turned off and song played slowly she came in view with some other 2 girls and 3 boys. She was looking breath taking. She was wearing Gujrati style lehenga.

Her tiny waist was not covered which made me angry

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Her tiny waist was not covered which made me angry. I dont want anyone to see whats mine. The way she danced was marvelous. While dancing her eyes met with mine. I smirked as she immedietly looked away from me. She will get punishment for this too. I like to  punish her. Ofcourse I am not going to harm her in anyway.

The way she was moving her body on the song made me want to go there and to put her on my shoulder and take her to my bedroom and ravish that beautiful body of her. I will make sure from now on that she will never dance on stage. I dont want anyone other than me to look at her. She will only dance for me and with me. Her dance ended. Everybody applauded. No body whisteled or pass comments as they did to other performances. They knew what happend to that guy Neel. I liked the fear that people have because of me. I excused others and went back stage to meet her.

Nitya's POV

I dont belive that he is the new trustee of our college. I knew why he did this. He just wanted to play with my emotions so he can hurt my father nothing else.

I came back stage in a changing room that was allocated to us.

" Ladies could you give me and my girlfriend a moment of privacy" Someone said. I knew this voice very well.

I turned to see viraj who was shamelessley standing at the door of ladies changing room and asking other girls to leave. Girlfriend? What did he think of himself? After what he did to me last night I dont even want to share same air with him.

All the girls immedietly leave the room as everybody know that viraj singh Ranawat do not like to hear No. He immedietly came towards me and before I would have said anything he crashed his lips on mine. I immedietly pushed him away.

" What the fuck do you think of yourself? Get away from me." I said stepping away from him but he again pulled me by waist towards him.

" You were out standing on a stage my love." He said kissing my forehead.

" And did you forget your punishment for disrespecting me love. If you want more punishments like yesterday then keep disrespecting me."  He said with a warning. I dont want to even think about yesterday night.

Suddenly door open with loud thud. I wanted the ground to swallow me seeing who was there. My father was standing at the door looking towards us. He was fuming with anger. I was still in viraj's hold.

" Get the hell away from my daughter you Son of a bitch." My father yelled at him and pulled me away from his hold.

" This is not the way to talk with your soon to be son in law Mr Suryakumar." Viraj said with an evil grin.

" What the fuck are you talking? You can never be my son in law. You are nothing but a killer who kills innocent people. You dont even desrve to stand near my daughter." My dad yelled at viraj. I dont want viraj to hurt my Dad. He is crazy about me that I know and I dont want him to do to my dad what he did to Neel.

Viraj pulled his gun out and placed it at my father's head.

" She is fucking Mine. Get this into your thick skull. Soon I will marry her and if you dare to come in between us then I won't mind putting the bullet in your fucking head." He warned my father and left from there. I did not want my father to find out like this. Tears were running down my eyes.

" D-Dad...Its not like what you think. I was going to tell you. But..I"

"I will wait for you in the parking." He said and left without meeting my gaze.

Right now me, mom and dad are in our living room. My dad didnt speak a single word to me after that incident. I sat near his knees as he was sitting on a couch.

" Dad trust me I dont love him at all. When you were not here he confessed his feelings to me and claimed that I am his. He even shot one guy from my college just because he proposed to me. I was going to tell you all of this when you were going to be here. I didnt want to stress you dad. Trust me. Please." I cried as placing my head on his lap.

" I trust you Nitya. I know that you will never forget my upbringing. I trust you my child." Dad said as he placed his hand on my head. I was relieved to hear that.

" Princess I cant let that monster spoil your life. I know he just wants to get back to me nothing else. Nitya will you do as I tell you?" He asked looking towards me.

" Yes dad anything." I said

" Do you remeber my friend Shivraj Raichand?" Dad said.

Shivraj Raichand is a good friend of my father. He used to visit us when I was small. He was in  government service that time.  But it has been a long time since I have last seen him.

" Yes Dad. I remeber Shivraj uncle. What about him?" I asked curiously.

" I want you to marry his son Samrat Raichand." Dad said looking towards me with hope. As I sat on the floor in surprise.


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