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Nitya's POV

There was a dead silence in our living room. I was not prepared for what dad asked me.

Samrat and I last time meet when I was 11 years old and he was may be 15 years old. That was my 11th  birthday. We were like childhood friends as our fathers were also best friends. We were also in same school. But few days after my birthday his father got transferred in Delhi so his whole family shifted there. Then I never heard from him. Only once dad told me that Samrat went to London for further studies. But he never contacted me and nor did I. Now it has been almost 10 years. I dont even know how he looks. I know nothing about him and dad wants me to marry him.

" Look princess me and your mom visited Shivraj and his family in Delhi. Shivraj asked me for your hand for Samrat. I also met Samrat. He is a really nice guy. And he is also ready for marrying you. He wants to marry you since you were kids." Dad spoke breaking the silence.

" And princess I know people like Viraj. For them women are just like toys. He will just play with your body and emotions and will throw you somewhere to die. And I dont want him to destroy your life. Please accept this propsal." Dad said looking towards me with hopes.

" But dad I dont even know Samrat. How can I just marry him?" I asked.

" Nitya me and your father were also not knowing each other before our marriage but look where we are today. Love happens after marriage also. And he is really a very nice guy." My mom said.

" Nitya I dont know If I will be able to defeat this mafia king or not. But I dont want you to get between this mess. I want to make you safe first." Dad said.

"Samrat said that if you want to meet him and know him first then he is ready to meet you. He also told us not to force you for marriage. He wants you to get ready for marriage by your own wish without any pressure." Dad said.

I was very confused. I never thought of getting married so early. I want to achieve so many things first. But Dad's concern is totally understandable and viraj is also getting on our nerves.

" Princess, before coming here I thought to introduce you and samrat first and then let you decide what you want but after what I saw at your annual function I immedietly called Shivraj and told him everything. He said that they are ready for marriage anytime we say. After marriage you and Samrat will leave for london where he has his buisiness. And me and shivraj and some other polititions we will try to destroy Viraj. Please Nitya think about this." Dad was litterly pleading to me.

" Dad I totally understand you but please just give me todays night to think. Tomorrow morning I will tell you my decision. " I said.

" Okay princess. But please think about what I said" Dad said.

" Good night Dad. Good night mom". I said and walked towards my bedroom.


Everything is so messed up. I dont know what to do and what not. I want to complete my degree first then I want to get a good job on my own. And now everything is shattered. I hate Viraj. This is all happening because of him. Why we came in this town. Ughh.

I was so frustrated by this everything. How can I take the most important decision of my life in one night. Suddenly I got intruppted from my thoughts as my cell phone rang. Right now he is the last person with whom I want to talk. Viraj.

" Hello" I responsed.

" How is my babygirl?" He asked. I hate when he calls me with other names.

" I am fine" I replied.

" I hope your father did not yell at you because of me Love. But I am happy that he knows about us. Anyway I was going to tell him about us." He said.

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