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S3 EP5: The Trouble With Frittles


I walked into school alone because Aria won't talk to me, and I automatically got hit in the head with a Frittles can. Miss Shapen told everyone to check the news, so Jasper pulled out his tablet. 

Jack Frittleman, owner of the Frittles Factory, was announcing that people go online to frittles.com to vote for their favorite Frittles; Bodacious Blue Bacon or Raging Red Rhubarb.

"Ohhh man, this Bodacious Blue Bacon is amazing!" I beamed after chewing the blue chip, grabbing the can from Charlotte's hand. 

"Yeah, but there was something awesome about the Raging Red Rhubarb." Jasper said, twisting the red can around in his hands. 

"Ah, Char? What are you going to vote for?"

"Neither. I don't have time to vote for some dumb corn chip." She said, putting the lid on the can of the blue Frittles. 

"What? Charlotte?"

"Yo, People die for your right to vote...online." I paused while looking off to the side. Charlotte shook her head and walked away, probably to class. 

Jasper was voting for the red Frittles and got mad at me for wanting to vote for the blue Frittles. We even argued about it inside of Junk N' Stuff for crying out loud. 

Ray and I got into a fight over the two different flavored chips. He liked the red ones like Jasper, but I liked the blue ones like Schwoz. Ray even refused to help a man who's been crushed by a rock because he's voting blue. 

Let me just say that we fought about this debate for at least over an over until the news came on about the Frittle Factory.

As Captain Man and Kid Danger, we headed up to the Frittle Factory to keep an eye out on it because someone broke in and stole the red Frittle chips. Haha Ray. 

"Is there a problem?" I asked Mr. Frittleman, seeing as he was staring at a piece of paper looking rather confused. 

"Well, sort of. When the truck was stolen, it was carrying four hundred cases of Raging Red Rhubarb Frittle chips." 


"So?" I looked over to see Ray scratching the back of his neck. He only does this when he's nervous about something. 

"Uh, it seems that two cases of the chips are missing. Weird. Wonder what happened to them." Mr. Frittleman looked up, his eyebrows mushed together. 

"Well, I guess you'll just have to ask the missing chips."

I argued with Ray back and forth while he argued with Mr. Frittleman about if chips could actually talk, they'd say where they were, which is so stupid. 

"Captain Man! Captain Man! Kid Danger!" 

I turned around to see my sister and the members of the Man Fans trailing behind her as she came running in. The door reopened and I saw Aria walking through, her eyes immediately connecting with mine. 

"Oh, that's just my sis-scissors. Has anybody seen my scissors? My scissors?" I stopped myself before I literally gave my identity to my little sister.

Ray and I started to argue again, to where we kept shooting either color cans at each other, which eventually broke the control panel behind Ray, setting off the emergency alarm. 

"Attention. This is Jack Frittleman. Run." 

This is not going to end well, and I was right because Aria wasn't paying attention to what was happening. Her earbuds were in, playing on her phone. 

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