Chapter 5

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Nokiya crossed her arms over her chest glancing around the entry hall in irritation. Jurgen gently nudged her shoulder. "Do I even have to ask where Akiya and Camelia are?"

"No. Please don't." Nokiya grumbled, shaking her head.

"Are you serious? They're fucking around while we're supposed to get moving?" Jurgen grumbled.

"I'm trying not to think about it." Nokiya confessed. "I really don't want to know."

"I guess you should be grateful she's gotten good at keeping you out." Mari offered.

"We're supposed to be leaving now." Nokiya retorted. "Camelia should at least know better."

"I'm sure they're on their way." The nymph noted, correcting a vine on her arm.

Nokiya glanced up as Camelia made her way down the steps with Akiya following after her, carrying two bags over her shoulders. "Sorry for the wait." Akiya called.

"Did you enjoy yourselves?" Jurgen scoffed.

Camelia raised an eyebrow before glancing to Nokiya who had her eyes narrowed. She then looked to Akiya who blinked in her own confusion. "Did you say something to your sister I wasn't aware of?"

"I didn't say anything." Akiya shrugged. "We were just packing up. Why, did you think we were having fun?" Akiya's smirk only made her sister more angry.

"I know you did." Nokiya grumbled.

"How do you know for sure? I wanted to speak with her about personal things is all. We don't have time to do anything fun."

"I'm sure you could find a way."

"We did no such thing." Akiya retorted.

"She wanted to ask me a few questions regarding the future." Camelia explained. "Though, I certainly understand where you're coming from. I originally thought her intent was less than reasonable."

"I'm not surprised." Nokiya sighed. "Let's just get moving."

"We have some more stuff we can throw into Artemis' Hunting Grounds." Akiya offered, holding out the larger of the two satchels she was carrying.

Artemis nodded and waved her hand creating a perfect portal which Akiya stepped through to drop off the bag. She returned a moment later with a gentle smile. "Let's get moving then."

"Right." Camelia nodded. "No more distractions."

"Aye." Nokiya agreed, turning away and heading out the front door. Everyone else followed after her with Artemis shrinking down into her weapon form which Mari grasped and put over her shoulder as everyone but Camelia and Ariadne transformed into their dragon forms.

All of the Alvar children had similar dragon forms with strong sturdy green bodies and a bright red head. While the girls had thick horns that stood straight, Jurgens curved backwards slightly. Their claws were jet black with a yellow underbelly and horns. All of them wore similar clothing to what they had before, though it had stretched to cover their now larger forms.

Akiya leaned forward, pressing her knuckles into the ground as Camelia climbed up her shoulder to sit on her back between her wings. Nokiya simply reached an arm down getting Ariadne to climb up effortlessly as everyone lept up into the air, wings flapping powerfully to lift them all into the air.

Jurgen's form was more bulky, his limbs larger than his sister's. Mari was the oposite. She still had some muscle tone to her, but was rather thin compared to even her older sisters who were a perfect middle ground between them, allowing her to fly quite a bit faster than her siblings though she kept pace, flying only slightly in front of everyone else.

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