C H A P T E R # 1 3

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His life was never easy. He was the person who loved taking challenges instead of easy roads. But now, it was more complicated than before, with the arrival of his daughter in his life their was hardly a moment when he was thinking sane.

Unlike other times, he had to wait for Rhea to sleep or get involve in something so he can continue his drinking and smoking habit. He didn't want his daughter to see that his habits are no less than her mother's.

And kartik's suggestions or a master plan, as he consider was another addition to his already stressful life. Not like he didn't want to work on this idea, he had to even if it is the lamest ever, because what other option he has?

But with Shraddha? He would rather die than faking a marriage with her. He still can't see what made his daughter so fond of his secretary? To him she was just a middle-class woman. He had no personal issues with her but at the same time he has no soft corner for her either.

The morning at the office was the same old. It's been a week since Rhea had been accompanying him to the office. The news of him having a daughter wasn't out officially but that doesn't mean that the word wasn't spreading.

"Can I go to shraddha's cabin now?" Rhea asked for the fiftyth time since reaching the office.

"No!" And his answer was still the same. He didn't want his daughter to get more attached with someone who was just a secretary.

"But why?" She asked as she stood from her position and approached her father who was busy in his work.

"Rhea, I said no. I don't have to give you reasons." he told her.

"She's so nice. I play with her everyday then why not?" she was determined to get the permission from him but this time she didn't get any reply from him.

"Daddy, please!" she whined, clasping her hands in front of him in a dramatic way.

"Enough Rhea!" his voice raised slightly and she took a step back in fear.

"You won't play with Shraddha anymore. Understand?" his anger took over him, in the moment he didn't realize how scared the little girl was of his attitude.

"You are bad boy. I hate you!" she said and ran out of the office. He threw the files in anger as he realized he messed up big time.

"Rhea, what are you doing here?" kartik asked as he saw Rhea entering his cabin. He stood up from his chair and approached her.

"Do you know where shraddha is?" she asked between her hiccups.

"She must be in her office. But, why are you crying?" he asked wiping the tears off her face.

"She's not in her office." she sobbed.

"Baby, stop crying. Come, we'll find her." he took her hand in his and lead her outside.

"Uh-Radhika, have you seen shraddha?" kartik asked her.

"Yes sir. She's in Sara mam's office." she replied.

"Thank you!" he nodded and made his way to Sara's office along with Rhea.

"There are minor mistakes in these otherwise its fine." Sara told her before handing the file back to shraddha.

"OK. I'll go through these once again." she said and turned to leave the room before the door swung open and kartik entered with Rhea.

Rhea immediately freed her hand from kartik's grip and ran towards shraddha hugging her legs tightly.

"Rhea!" shraddha separated her from her legs and bent down to her level.

"What's the matter? Why are you crying?" she asked and instead of replying she wrapped her arms around her neck and hugged her tightly.

"Daddy shouted at me." she sobbed as she separated herself from her enough to look at her.

"I just wanted to play with you." she told her as she again started crying.

"Hush. Come on. Let's go to my cabin. We'll play there." she said as she wiped her tears.

"Shraddha I'll complete these files." Sara told her with a smile.

"Thank you." shraddha said as she scooped Rhea up in her arms and made her way outside.

"What's going on?" Sara asked as soon as shraddha left.

"Don't ask." Kartik shook his head and left the office before Sara could ask anything further.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" kartik shouted as he barged into Varun's office.

"Why did you scold her?" he asked.

"She was asking for her. What the hell was I suppose to do?" he yelled.

"So you shouted at a five year old?" kartik narrowed his eyes at him.

"She started it." he shrugged his shoulders.

"What are you? A kid?" he shook his head in disappointment.

"You know what? I was right. She really do need a mother." kartik told him.

"Don't you start again with that plan of yours." varun rolled his eyes.

"Why not? What's wrong with Shraddha? Can't you see how good she is with Rhea?" kartik tried to explain.

"Not everyone needs to be hot. Try adding some good and permanent people in your life instead of temporary hoes." he told him.

"And what makes you so sure that she will accept my proposal?" Varun asked.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. But everyone has their weaknesses." he said.

"You're telling me to blackmail her?" he raised his eyebrow at him.

"Any other option you have?" Kartik asked before he left the office.

After signing some important files he made his way to shraddha's cabin. Upon reaching, he didn't knock before entering the office.

But what he saw made him think about kartik's words from the conversation they had earlier. Shraddha was sitting on her chair while Rhea was fast asleep against her chest while she was stroking her hair gently.

She was so engulfed in admiring Rhea that she didn't realize Varun's presence in her room. And before she could he quietly made his way out of the office.

"I need each and every information of Ms. Shraddha." he told someone on the phone.

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