C H A P T E R # 1 9

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As she woke up, a crease appeared on her forehead as her eyes wandered around the unfamiliar structure of room. The room was a combination of black and grey, just like her life.

Processing the whole thing, a strong realization hit her. This wasn't her room and she wasn't in her home anymore. She was caged without her will, just like an innocent bird.

Yawning, brushing the sleep off her eyes she pulled the sheets off her and went to the washroom. Changing into a comfortable top along with black jeans.

She made her way downstairs and the whole house was calm and quite. It was so unusual for her. Thanks to her mother, she was always a early morning person and coming from a middle-class society she was used to the chaos happening in morning. Her father yelling for tea, neighbours bickering over useless issues and much more.

But the morning in dhawan house was complete different from where she came from. It was so quite, making her feel like she was the only one living there. The silence was making her sick after all she wasn't used to it.

Climbing the stairs, she moved towards Rhea's room and pushed the door open only to find the bed empty. She went back downstairs and walked towards the kitchen looking for something to eat.

"Mam, do you want something?" Suresh entered the kitchen and saw her looking through the fridge.

"Uh... Yeah, actually I was looking for some breakfast!" she closed the door of the fridge.

"Mam, just give me fifteen minutes. I'll get your breakfast ready." Suresh said as he moved towards the cabinet and picked out some stuff.

"It's okay! I can make my own breakfast." she said to which he chuckled.

"Are you planning on getting me fired? Sir has strictly ordered me to make you feel comfortable." he said with a smile.

"Okay. Uh-Any idea where Rhea is? Because she isn't in her bed." Shraddha asked.

"She mostly sleep with varun sir!" he replied.

"Oh. I'll be in the lounge." she told him and then walked out of the kitchen.

She was half way through her breakfast when she saw varun came downstairs with Rhea in his arms. Her face buried in the crook of her father's neck. He looked at her before sitting on the couch opposite her.

Rhea unwrapped her hands from her father's neck before pulling herself off his lap and making her way towards shraddha. Shraddha put the bowl on the front table before scooping Rhea up in her lap.

"Morning!" Rhea mumbled as she rested her head on shraddha's shoulder. Varun couldn't help but feel a little bit of jealous seeing his daughter with her, but again that's why he brought her here.

After both Rhea and varun were done with breakfast, varun started getting ready for office while Rhea was busy in coloring along shraddha when the door bell rang and suresh went to open the door.

"Sara!" shraddha was both happy and shocked to see her. She moved forward and embraced her in a gentle hug.

"I miss you at the office!" Sara exclaimed as she broke the hug. Shraddha was slightly confused by her behavior. She was expecting her to be shocked to see her here but her reaction was totally opposite.

"Rhea! How's my favorite girl?" she asked as she placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

"Are you here for the office work?" Shraddha couldn't help but ask.

"No. I'm here for you!" she replied. Before shraddha could ask any further question, varun came downstairs.

"Oh, you're here!" he said, checking his last minute emails on phone.

"Always on time!" Sara said with a proud smile.

"Anyways, take her with you and please do as I told you!" he told her.

"Wait a minute. What's going on here? Take me where?" shraddha asked, confused.

"For shopping!" Sara said excitedly as she did a little clap.

"Shopping? Why? I don't need anything." Shraddha said.

"Yes, you do. I've arranged a grand dinner and I want you to look like a Dhawan. Sara will take you for shopping and will do a little grooming of you." he told her.

"I've plenty of party-wear dresses. I don't need new clothes." she stated to which varun chuckled.

"You seriously think I will let you wear those middle-class dresses at my party?" he laughed making her feel embarrassed. She looked at Sara and she gave her a sympathetic look.

"Rhea? Would you go with us for shopping?" Sara asked Rhea, who was busy in coloring different shapes. She immediately nodded with excitement.

"Sara make sure to buy more dresses and accessories. She and I will have plenty of parties and dinners to attend." he told her and she nodded.

"Shraddha why don't you wait outside for me in the car with Rhea. I'll be out in a minute." Sara told her with a smile and she quietly made her way outside the house along with Rhea.

"She doesn't deserve this." Sara said as she stood in front of him.

"Your boy toy told you everything that doesn't mean you can interfere in my personal matters. Just do what I say! Nothing more. Nothing less." he said and she glared at him.

"What about my new secretary?" he asked as she was about to turn to leave. She shut her eyes close in annoyance.

"She'll join from thursday!" she said giving him a big fake smile.

"Good girl!" he said returning the same gesture before she left the place.

"This is so cute!!!" Sara exclaimed as she saw shraddha and Rhea walked out of the try room in same dresses.

"Aww... You guys!" she said clicking a picture of them as they both did a similar pose.

"I love it!" Rhea exclaimed as she did a little twirl.

"What about you shraddha?" Sara asked.

"It's beautiful." she replied admiring herself in the mirror.

"We both gonna look so pwetty at the party!" Rhea exclaimed making both of them chuckle.

"Okay ladies go change! I'll pay for the dresses." Sara said as she moved towards the counter.

"Rhea, so do you like shopping?" Sara asked as they were now done buying everything.

"It's tiring but I love it!" Rhea replied.

"All women do." Shraddha chuckled.

"Let's have lunch and then I'll drop you guys home." Sara suggested.

"Okay!" Shraddha nodded.

"Shra-" she was about to say something but stopped as she saw a familiar face entered the mall. Her heart sank at the very moment.

"Sara?" Shraddha snapped her fingers in front of her breaking her out of trance.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"Yeah-actually no I'm not feeling well! How about we head home. We'll have lunch together some other time." she said wiping the sweat off her forehead.

"Okay. Let's go!" shraddha said as they started moving towards the exit.

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