C H A P T E R # 2 8

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This morning her anxiety was on another level. After what happened last night, she was finding it hard to figure out that how will she face kartik at work.

But like usual, she decided to act normal and not let the thoughts ruin her whole confidence. And from now on she has to make sure that kartik and vivek don't get into any other encounter with each other.

Her plan for now was to avoid kartik and his questions as much as she can but only if she knew Mr. Aaryan had other plans. He was already sitting in her cabin when she entered the room.

"K-artik?" she was shocked to see him and her plan to avoid him already went into drain.

"You were never this shock to see me. Everything alright?" he asked as he stood up from his position.

"Y-eah... Why wouldn't it be?" she started walking towards her chair, avoiding his gaze but he caught her by her hand.

"Last night, I only left because you said so and that was your home." he told her and she looked at him.

"Well, this is my cabin and I'm asking you to leave." she said as she jerked his hand away.

"You think that behaving like this will make me hate you but you are wrong. It'll only make me more concern for you." he said and she looked away because she knew she'll break down any moment now.

"Just accept it kartik. I played you. I never had feelings for you." she said without looking at him and he let out a chuckle.

"I've known you for over a year Sara! Okay, I can say that maybe you never had feelings for me but... Sara you can never play with someone else's feelings." he said and she felt tears forming in her eyes.

"You don't know anything." she said and he grabbed her both hands and made her look at him.

"Then tell me. I know you're hiding something. Just try and trust me.... For once." he said as she looked up at him.

"Varun?" Shraddha called him out as the whole family was having breakfast on the dining table.

"Yeah?" he stopped eating and looked at her.

"Rhea's birthday is this weekend. I hope you don't have any meetings scheduled." she told him.

"Uh.... As far as I know I don't have any but I'll check it again and let you know." he replied and she nodded.

"Daddy, what are you gonna do for my birthday?" Rhea asked with excitement.

"Whatever you want princess." Varun smiled at her as he took a bite of scrambled eggs.

"Can I have a theme birthday?" she asked.

"Of course Rhee, which theme do you want?" Shraddha asked.

"Let me guess, frozen?" Varun guessed before Rhea could even answer.

"Wow, you can read my mind!" Rhea gasped in shock and varun winked at her making shraddha chuckle.

"I'll dress as Elsa and Shraddha will be anna." Rhea declared.

"What about me? Olaf?" Varun asked.

"No. Olaf is funny and cute. It won't suit your penalty." Rhea replied.

"Personality Rhea." Shraddha corrected her.

"Okayyy... So what will suit my personality?" Varun asked.

"Hans." Rhea replied and laugh along shraddha.

"Haha... Very funny! I'll be Kristoff." Varun declared. Rhea had made varun see frozen so many times that he's quite familiar with every character.

"No you'll be Hans." Rhea objected.

"Why? Since shraddha will be Anna. I'll dress up as Kristoff." Varun said and smiled at shraddha.

"Fine. My poor shraddha. She'll get you as her lover." Rhea said dramatically in the context of the movie but it made the situation hell awkward for both varun and Shraddha.

"I better get going." Varun said as he stood up and left for the office.

"Vivek and I were friends since college. We studied together. Our parents had good relations with each other." Sara started to speak as they both were now sitting on the couch.

"But then our parents decided to merge their business and they became business partners. After that everything started going downhill. Vivek's father wanted me to get married to his son." Sara continued as kartik was calmly listening to her.

"His behavior changed with our family. He started blackmailing that if I don't marry his son he'll withdraw from the business. I had no other choice but to get engaged to him." She said.

"And you father agreed to it?" kartik asked.

"He had to. Otherwise we would have been left with nothing. But honestly, I had no problem in marrying vivek. He had always been a great friend to me." she replied.

"But after engagement, it all changed. He started getting over-protective. He won't let me talk with any other guy. In other words he was controlling my life." Sara said as she stopped and took a deep breath.

"Then one day I got so fed up that I decided to confront him and that was the first time he raised his hand on me but not the last." she told him as tears welled up in her eyes.

"He used to hit you?" kartik asked with shock.

"That's why I ran away and came here. But he's again controlling my life now." she broke down into tears.

"Why didn't you tell me this before Sara?" kartik asked as he held her hands.

"I-I was scared... That he'll hurt me again." she cried as kartik wrapped his arms around her and she buried her face in his chest.

"Marry me!" he said without even giving it a second thought.

"What?" Sara broke the hug and looked up at him.

"Marry me. He'll no longer have any control over you." he told her and she looked at him shock.

He shut his eyes close in frustration as the phone went off for the third time.

"I told you I don't want any disturbance. Why are you calling me again and again?" he yelled at the receptionist.

"Sir, there is a lady who wants to meet you. I told her to leave but she said that she has close relation with you and won't leave without seeing you." the receptionist replied making varun confused.

"Fine. Send her to my cabin." by saying this he hung up the call and again got focused on his work.

"Mr. Dhawan!" he heard a female's voice and raised his head to look at her.

"Tara?" he felt like someone pulled the rug beneath him.

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