Chapter Thirty Four

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"Xavier! Ella! The moving truck is here!" Dave shouts up the stairs.

"Shit! we still have to box up this pile!" I start to panic, rushing around the room. Xavier, being the kind soul he is, grabs my hand.

"Hey, the moving truck is going to stay for a while. I'm going to start taking boxes and you are going to calmly pack this stuff, got it?" I nod taking a deep breath and starting on the boxes.

Once I've cleared out the pile and packed any little stuff we have left Xavier has brought all the other boxes down stairs.

I hoist the smaller boxes up and begin my blind decent down the stairs. "Hey uh, could someone help me out?" I say as I nearly trip down the last step.

I Xavier's laughter, and right as Dave took the top box off I stuck my tongue out at my annoying boyfriend.

The mover had packed the big stuff that we had collected over the month, couches, our bed, just the big stuff. The we filled our cars and some of the moving truck with boxes.

"If we forgot anything here's an extra box you can throw stuff in here." I say handing it to Kathy. She puts it by her door before getting in my car for the drive down to our house. Dave is in Xavier's car, and James is with the movers to make sure they get where they need to.

"I can't believe the day is finally here Kathy, our own house." I smile, thinking about all the memories we are going to make there.

We are going to bring our first baby there, we are going to get to watch her grow and then bring another child in to the world and watch them grow together. It will be a beautiful thing to get to witness.

"Kathy, where you scared when you had James?" She starts laughing, just full out laughing.

"Oh honey," she chuckles slightly," I was fucking terrified, and I was married! With a house and a stable job!" If I wasn't driving I probably would have fallen over, rolling around on the floor, barely being able to breath because I was laughing so hard.

"I guess everyone is kinda scared, huh?" She nods rubbing the back of my hand a little.

"It's normal, and honestly you two are handling this so well, I'm so proud of you two." I smile once more before a peaceful silence falls upon us. Oh what a beauty growth is. I've know this women since middle school and how much her son and I have grown over that time as individuals and as a couple kinda blows my mind.

Once we arrive at the house, it's kinda a frenzy. The moving truck is our big things so we quickly take all the boxes out of it and move them to the spare room. "Hey James a little help here!" I say as I try to shimmy myself through the door with a box I probably shouldn't be carrying.

"Jesus Ella! What are you trying to do?!? Break your back!?" James shouts before taking the box from me.

"Nah, just get stuck in the door way!" I shout back as I go to get the last box.

The movers bring all the furniture into the house, and even into the correct room which was nice of them.

We thank them after making sure we got everything out of it and wish them good bye. Then we have the cars to tackle.

"How about three of us bring boxes in and two of you set the bed up in the master." I say, everyone seems to agree so Dave and Xavier head to the master and the rest of us start bringing boxes into the spare room.

"Jeez you guys, how much crap do you own." James complains, I just laugh at his lack of muscle and keep bringing stuff in.

Once everything is in the house we close the cars up and back then into the car park area.

The house was a mess honestly. The bed had been put together and we arranged it quickly and brought the bed side tables in and our dresser.

Then we set up the big stuff in the living room, like the couch and the boys built the coffee table. Well they did that we start to bring boxes to their correct room.

"This one goes to the bathroom room Kathy!" I shout as I push a box to the hall way. She yells back a thanks before taking it away.

It wasn't long before the boys finished the coffee table and came to help us organize the boxes, so soon enough the guest room was finished.

"Well, let's make sure everything that needs built is built and I'm going to start putting things away. So last minute the boys put some shelves together and mounted our tv. They also put a few little tables together as well.

But it was getting late and his parents had work the next day so they had to leave, Xavier drove them all home and I stayed here.

I played some music as I unboxed all the kitchen stuff, really there were like two small boxes so it wasn't hard. I had just finished the kitchen when Xavier gets back.

He smiles at me, a huge wide grin.

"Baby," he says, "it's ours." And I can't help but to smile back.

Happy birthday love.

Hey guys!! Hope you guys are enjoying this book. I'm loving the learning process and the writing process it's really been something great and it's sad it's soon to end, There are six chapters left! As always I hope everyone is happy and healthy!

Love, MadisonMarie

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