The animal shelter

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Karlof's POV

It's been a week since Bolobo got home from the hospital, his arm is healed and his ribs is slowly getting better. But from what I've heard he has only remembered the name of Skylor's restaurant so far... and it's all my fault! How am I ever going to explain this to him and the others... Neuro's been trying to tell me that it wasn't my fault but I don't believe him... Today we're going to bring Bolobo to the animal shelter he works at, hoping that it will bring back some of his memories since he's worked there for years. I'm not sure honestly... so far nothing we've done has worked! And I... I've been trying to be close to him but it feels so wrong! I've been talking to him as if everything was normal but it's NOT! And it's my fault! I walk out of my house and get into my car. When I finally reach the animal shelter I see the others standing outside as Turner leads Bolobo out of his car. I walk out of mine and we see a woman carrying a puppy walking up to us. "I'm so happy to finally meet you all!" she smiles. "You can call me Miss Leah and this is Sparkles!" "Aw, he's adorable!" Turner squeaks and starts petting Sparkles's head.  "We found him on the side of the road all alone and we couldn't find his mother anywhere! He was very malnourished and dehydrated so of course, we took him in!" 

Bolobo's POV

So... this lady is supposed to be my... boss? Co-worker? I Don't remember! Sparkles is cute though! "Mr. Becker!" Leah smiles and shakes my hand. "Your friends told me what happened, but I hope this will help! All the animals here absolutely adore you!" Adore me? Or him... I'm not him! "Yeah sure... You can call me Bolobo by the way!" I mumble and follow her into the building. She opens one of the doors for me that leads to a small lawn and a pack of dogs just jump onto me and starts licking me. "They still love you!" Leah smiles. I pick up one of the smaller dogs and look into her eyes. "Molly..." I mumble. "Ohh! That's actually her real name!" Huh... maybe I can get some memories back from this place after all! I cuddle Molly and the other dogs closer as they continue to lick me. "Cmon! I'll show you the lawns with the other animals we have here!" I carefully shove off all the dogs and follows her first she leads me to a lawn with a very high fence with a lot of cats. Some of them are playing with each other while some are sleeping and others are sneaking up on each other. "We try to keep the animals outside as much as we can!" She explains. "It's more healthy for them than being stuck in a cage all day, we take them in at the end of the day and clean the lawns from poop and other stuff!" 

I nod and follow Leah to another lawn where there's a bunch of rabbits. "It's just females don't worry!" she smiles. "We keep females and males separate so we don't have fur babies all over the place, we have many animals that need a new home!" I pick up a black-spotted rabbit and pet her back very gently. "Hey, Maybel!" I smile. Wait a minute... I... remember her name! I know that's her name I know it! "I'm happy this helps you!" Leah nods. "You were actually the one who welcomed Maybel when she arrived here a year ago! No one wanted her and the owners of her mother were going to put her down!" "Aaaw! Who would put this little girl down?" I smile and snuggle into her fur. "Wanna stay with her for a while before I show you the next animals?" I shake my head and put Maybel down. "I'll come back later!" I whisper and follow Leah to a... room? I see a small kitten laying in a basket with a bunch of blankets wrapped around it. "Who's this?" "His name is Spot!" Leah answers. "We found him just a week ago outside the door!" I carefully sneak up to the basket and take a closer look at him. He has a ginger and a black patch on his head but I can't see the rest of him because of the blanket. "How old is he?" "We think he's around two months!" Leah answers.

Leah's POV

Me and Bolobo keep talking for a few minutes when Spot suddenly wakes up. "Hey, little guy!" I smile and kneel down to him. "How are you?" When I finish talking Spot stands up on his tiny legs and jumps up on Bolobo's lap. "He likes you!" "Yeah... can I be alone with him for a while?" he asks. "Sure!" I walk out of the room and closes the door after me. I knew the animals would help him! They love him and he loves them as if they were his own children and always makes sure they end up in a good home. I could've never asked for a better co-worker and our boss really like him too! We don't get paid very much for what we do, I know Bolobo saves money by not owning a car and growing food in the garden. Though the car thing is more about taking care of our environment! I work a few other part-time jobs to afford the rent and other things... But no one works here for the money! We work here to help animals that are suffering from bad homes, sorrows, and abuse... And in some magical way, the animals always find Bolobo as a safe person! Someone they can trust with their lifes... I remember one time when we got in a dog they had become violent because of abuse... we thought we had to put him down but somehow... Bolobo managed to tame him and he was as soft as a puppy. He just needed someone he could trust!

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