It Hurts Like Hell

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It Hurts Like Hell

A shockwave stirred the wind as Conner took off into the air. He zoomed toward the assailant like a missile. Ready to destroy the man who put Vosh's life in jeopardy.

Windows exploded. Car alarms blared. The ground shattered. The skies boomed. All because of the sheer force of Conner's blow.

The monstrous grey man howled in pain. He fell backwards and crushed the abandoned cars behind him. His fall tore a crater into the road.

Conner pounced on him. He slammed his fists against the giant's face. The rage he'd bottled inside for months drove him.

The man caught his fist before the next blow could connect. His large, grey hand swallowed Conner's. His eyes filled with blind rage.

He squeezed Conner's hand. Conner's bones popped under the presser. His other hand shot out and wrapped around Conner's throat. He threw Conner back.

Conner sailed through the air. He crashed into several parked cars and didn't stop until he slammed into an empty building. The development came crashing down on him.

A bright flash of green light twinkled over the busy road. The Titans stepped out of the vortex. They gawked at the carnage all around them.

People screamed. Mothers carried their children as they ran away from the danger. People abandoned their cars to ran away on foot.

"Woah." Gar said, mouth hanging open.

"What is that?" Tara asked, eyes wide.

"A Blockbuster," Gar responded jokingly. Little did he know, the name would stick.

Cries of agony and helplessness echoed from buildings. 2 buildings were ablaze. A father held his baby out the window to protect the infant from the flames.

Rachel gasped. "Oh my God is he gonna-"


"On it." Calvin said before Dick could finish the order.

Green sprites swirled around Calvin. He teleported inside of the burning apartment. In a flash, he teleported the man and his child to safety.

The man was burned. His skin burned and blistered. Parts of his arm completely black. "My son, p-p-please take my son." He said, eyes finding Calvin's.

Calvin nodded and looked at the baby. He hadn't cried a peep. There was a reason for that, too. A grim one. The baby was barely breathing.

Calvin took the baby into his hands. He shut his eyes. In the dark, he could see the waning life force. It faded out of the infant.

His healing touch imprinted on the baby. The green glow from his palms sank into the infant. Illuminating the baby's entire body.

The gemstone in Calvin's forehead lit up. He opened his eyes and they matched that glow. He breathed life back into the child.

The baby regained his color. He began to wail, his once burned lungs fully recovered. Calvin chuckled softly.

"He's got some strong lungs, huh?" He asked, smiling up at his father.

Calvin's smile fell. The father slumped against a crushed car. His eyes were shut and his chest didn't rise or fall. He was dead.

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