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julia woke up to the sound of her alarm blaring through her ears, she let out a groan before finally deciding to get up. she noticed a text from jacob,

jake: good morning julia,, see u at school

a smile took over her face as she began typing,

julia: morning jake! is laurie taking u to school or
are you waking?

jake: i'm probably gonna walk, u?

julia: i think i'm gonna have my mom take me

speaking of julia's mom, she heard her call out for her from the kitchen. "julia! come down, your breakfast is getting cold!" "coming!" julia response while placing her phone back onto her bedside table and throwing the covers off her body, rolling out of bed. she made her way down the steps, muttering a good morning to her parents. "are you walking or am i taking you to school?" julias mom, claire asked. "can you take me? i think it's gonna be a little chilly out and i don't really wanna walk." julia responded before shoving a piece of her scrambled eggs into her mouth. "okay, just remember we have to leave by 7:45." claire said before returning back to her computer. "well i better get to work." julia's dad, robert said. "tell andy i said hi!" julia replied. robert and andy work together, that's partly one of the reasons why jacob and julia are so close.

julia sat besides jacob in their science class, partly listening to what the teacher was explaining. "be careful taking that out, you don't wanna make a mess." the teacher explained, julia looked over at jacob, knowing he was gonna let out a joke. "that's what she said." he said, causing everyone at the table to laugh. "attention, archer is now own lockdown. affective immediately, all students are to remain in their classrooms." a voice over the intercom said. everyone began scrambling out of their seats, going towards to window. "jake, come on!" julia whisper shouted as jacob wasn't getting out of his seat. she grabbed his hand and led him to the back of the classroom where the rest of the kids sat against the wall. "i'm gonna call my dad." julia told jake, "me too." jacob replied. julia began dialing her dads number, "what's up sweetie?" her dads voice said into the phone. "the schools on lockdown, do you have any idea what it's about?" julia asked nervously into the phone, "look julia, i'll explain later but for now you have nothing to worry about." robert explained, "okay fine." julia said, slightly disappointed her dad wouldn't tell her anymore details. "i'll see you at home, love you." robert said, "love you too." julia said before ending the call and shoving her phone back into her pocket. "anything?" julia asked jacob as he was beginning to put his phone in his pocket. he shook his head no, "you?" he asked, "no." julia replied.

broken promises ↦ jacob barber Where stories live. Discover now