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julia rode to school with laurie and jacob since she decided to stay the night, which resulted in jacob cuddling into her side, not wanting to wake up. but once she finally woke him up they ate a quick breakfast before heading off to school. "bye guys." laurie muttered, "bye." the two replied before getting out of the car. jacob and laurie began walking towards the entrance of the school, kids chatter filling their ears as doing so. jacob nodded his head at derek and a few other people, they just gave them both a look before returning to their conversation. julia just shrugged it off, not really caring. she wasn't really friends with derek anyways, the only time they'd hang out was if jacob invited derek and her over at the same time. jacob looked back at the group of boys, grabbing julia's attention. "don't worry about them." she said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder to which he just nodded in response. the first couple of classes went by pretty slow, as perusal. until julia got called down to a empty classroom, getting interviewed by andy. "okay julia, we kinda already went over this last night, but i still need to ask you a couple questions." andy said. "okay." julia replied. "so i know you said you didn't really know ben last night, right?" andy asked, "right." julia said. although julia did have a small crush on him for a few months and they'd occasionally text, she didn't think that was important information. "can you think of anyone who would've had a reason to want to hurt ben?" andy asked. "no." julia said. "what about people ben didn't like?" andy asked, after jotting something down in his notebook. "i don't know, i guess you can't expect everyone to like you, you know?" julia explained, shrugging her shoulders. "did ben say anything to you that made you think he would be in trouble?" andy asked. "no." julia replied. "was ben acting differently the week this all happened?" andy asked, clicking his pen. "no, i don't think so." julia said. "is there anything else you think we should know?" andy asked. "no." julia replied. julia got the okay to go before returning back to class.

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