car accident

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"julia? i- there's no easy way to put this but- jacob and laurie got into a really bad accident. they've both been hospitalized. jakes injuries are way more severe than lauries. he hasn't woken up yet but the doctors thing he may be in a coma." andy's voice said on the other side of the phone. julia's heart felt like it dropped down into her stomach and crumbled into a million pieces. "i- how soon can i see him?" julia asked as a tear slipped down her cheek. "i'm not sure yet. maybe tomorrow?" andy said but it came out as more of a question. "okay just, please update me." julia's voice cracked. "i will. but julia, dont worry. he'll pull through this. jakes a fighter." andy said. "yeah, he sure is." julia said  they exchanged their goodbyes before hanging up. julia walked over to her bed, immediately collapsing face down into her pillow. tears came pouring from her eyes, the pillow muffling the sounds of her weak sobs. "julia, honey?" claire asked, knocking on the door. julia didn't give her a response. claire must've heard the light sobs coming from the other side of the door and walked in. "julia sweetie, what's wrong?" she asked, sitting down next to julia on her bed. "it-it's jacob. he got into a-a really bad c-car accident and a-andy says he might be in a coma." julia croaked out before collapsing into her mothers arms. "oh honey. i'm sure he'll be okay. i know he will be." claire reassured. "w-what if he doesn't make it?" julia asked. "you can't think like that. jake will pull through this, but it takes time. i promise." claire said.

it was now the next day aka the day julia got to see jacob. she nervously toyed with her fingers as she watched the road beside her. "you okay?" andy asked. "yeah, i'm just nervous is all." julia's hushed voice said. "i don't want to scare you or anything but, his condition, it's pretty bad." andy said. julia let out a deep breathe before nodding her head. she braces herself while they pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. they made it up to the icu unit and were now standing outside of jacobs room. "i'm gonna go visit laurie so you can be alone with jake for a little, okay?" andy said. "yea." julia said. "be strong kid." andy said before taking off down the hall. julia let out a deep breath before walking into his room. she immediately felt the tears well up in her eyes at the sight of jacob in the hospital bed. he had a brace around his hand, bandages covering his face and a breathing tube down his throat. she wiped the stray tear from her cheek before grabbing a chair and pulling it up next to his bed. she carefully grabbed his hand and took it in her own. "jake," her hushed voice cracked. "i-i don't know if you can hear me or not, but if you can, i just- i want to let you know i love you so much. you're the best thing that happened to me, but jake listen to me, you have to pull through this. i don't know what i'll do without you by my side. you-you're my best friend, you've been there for me since second grade. i remember when we met on the playground, i was all alone. but you came up to me and asked if i wanted to swing on the swings with you, of course i said yes. but jake, you're strong and i know you'll pull through this, okay?" julia said, multiple tears now slipping from her eyes.

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