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The memories ease the pain inside, and now I know why. All of my memories keep you near. It's all about us. Imagine you'd be here

The two first years was shown quickly. The third-year began.

"Did my dad say you shouldn't go looking for Sirius black? The man who wants to murder you? Even you aren't that stupid." The ginger-haired boy said. "Shh Ron! Can't you see there's someone sleeping?!" The younger version of Hermione said. "Who is he anyway?" A boy who looked exactly like James asked. "Remus. J. Lupin" Hermione said. "You do really know everything!" The ginger said. "Ron it's written on his trunk!" Hermione said while rolling her eyes.

They sat and talked when everything grew cold. "Why did we stop? We're not at Hogwarts yet!" Hermione said. "There is something out there," Ron said. Suddenly a dark-cloaked creature came in and the sleeping Remus jumped up, wand in his hand. "None of us are hiding Sirius Black under our cloak." It didn't work and the creature turned to the black-haired boy and attacked him. "Expecto Pertronum!" Shouted Remus and a silver light chased the dark form away. "Harry wake up! Wake up" Hermione screamed. The dark-haired boy woke and looked confused. "I heard a woman screaming, who was it?" He asked. "Harry no one was screaming," Hermione said. "Here eat this" Remus gave him a piece of chocolate, "It will help."
"What was that?" Ron said. "A Dementor," Remus answered, "I'm going to check the rest of the train," He said and left the compartment.

The version clouded and they found them self in Hogwarts. " 'ello everyone! I got a special surprise for Ya," Hagrid said. The class followed him into the forest and stopped when they saw a strange creature. "This is a hippogriff" he started. "Anyone wanna say hello to him?" Everyone took a step back except the black-haired boy. "Ah! Harry good come up 'ere" Hagrid said. Harry looked back and glared at Hermione and the ginger. "Just step carefully over to him and bow, if he bows back you can bet him" Harry walked towards the creature and bowed, it took a little time but it bowed back. "Well done Harry, well done," Hagrid said. He lifted Harry up in the hippogriff's back and it took off. It took a little time before it got back. Harry got down from its back and walked towards Hermione. A boy with blond grey hair and pale blue eyes walked forwards. "That big chicken isn't dangerous" he walked hastily towards the Hippogriff. It got on its back legs and scratched his arm. He fell to the ground "it killed me, it killed me" he yelled. "Hagrid you have to take him to the hospital" Hermione screamed. Hagrid took him in the arms and carried him to the hospital.

The version clouded again and showed some less important things. Hermione knocked on a door, when it opened Remus stood there. "Professor Lupin can I talk to you?" The girl seemed nervous, "of course Miss granger" they walked to his desk and sat down. "What can I help you with miss granger?" Hermione sat up straight. "I know you're a werewolf professor" the version clouded and they were back in their own world

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