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I got 99 problems but you ain't one

Hermione didn't sleep that night. Her mind kept showing pictures of Harry, Ron, and Sirius. She got up and got dressed. She walked downstairs, just to see three boys waiting for her. "Well good morning," she said. "Good morning Miss Granger," Sirius sang with a smirk playing on his lips. Hermione walked over to him and he wrapped an arm around her waist. That second a red-haired girl walked down the girls' stairs. "Oh, a new girl black?" She said. Hermione could see James shake his head. "Isn't she one of your new sluts?" She laughed. Hermione removed herself from Sirius. "Excuse me?! "she looked taken aback. "But who the hell do you think you are?!?" She didn't answer Hermione, she just looked shocked. "If you would like to know, I am not with him, he's my friend got it?!" She nodded and went out of the portrait. The boys laughed when she was out of sight. "You are my new best friend!" Sirius said. The other boys nodded and they all walked out of the portrait hole. 

"That was Lily Evans," James said and looked at Hermione when she stopped. Had she just said that to Harry's mother?! "Well we don't have time for breakfast so we are walking to defends against dark arts," Remus said as they walked the corridors. When they got to class everyone was there. "You're just in time. We are dueling! We start with Black S. Against. Black N." They walked out on the floor. Sirius cast the fist spell "Confundo!" Narcissa looked around confused. "Expelliarmus!" And then Sirius stood with her wand in his hand. "And the winner is Black S." The Gryffindor clapped loudly. "Next it Potter and Black R." They walked out on the floor. "Expulso!" It hit James. "And the winner is Black R." Only the Slytherins where smirking, luckily James was okay. "Evans against Black B." Oh, she isn't gonna stand long, Hermione thought to herself. "Furnunculus!" Lily tried but Bellatrix dodges it easily. "Impedimenta!" Lily froze not able to move, "and the winner is Black B." Lily stomped to her seat. "Next is Malfoy And Granger" the pair walked to the floor. They stood with their wand in hand, Hermione was waiting for him to make the first move, she couldn't wait to wipe that smirk off his face. "Incarcerous!" When the words had left his mouth ropes flew out of his wand, heading towards Hermione. "Expulso!" The ropes exploded! "Obscuro! Expelliarmus!" She said it so fast that he didn't have any time to react! "And the winner is Granger!" And so it went on, Remus won too

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