Chapter 2 - But Then I Got Drunk and I Forgot What I Was Talking About

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Peter went into the Danger Room in his suit, about to begin a training session, but he just didn't feel like it. He used to love training, but didn't know what changed. Something just changed, and he felt nothing.

Y/n had even lost her appeal in his life. She used to be his favorite thing in the world, but now, nothing was his favorite thing in the world. He missed it, he really did. He yearned to be happy again, but he couldn't. It wasn't a part of him anymore.

Sure, he could put on a facade. He could pretend to be happy. He could wear a mask.

It hadn't been this way when he'd joined. Things had actually looked a bit uplifting. His father was there, he had a great new group of friends, and he had a change of scenery.

However, things had gone downhill. He felt like his father didn't care about him, his friends didn't notice him, and the school had quickly become boring. It was just a huge, repeating routine. Wake up, train, eat, sleep, eat, go for a run, sleep. Then, it repeated. It never changed, except for missions. On missions, he always came back hungry and tired, and usually bruised up, too. It made him want to die every time a mission was assigned. He couldn't put up with it anymore.

Tears pricked in his eyes, and he looked around. Hopefully, nobody had noticed that Peter was about to cry just thinking about having to go on a mission. He didn't want to do it. A mission would only make him want to find the right bridge faster, but he couldn't. He'd wondered about jumping off a big bridge, like the Golden Gate Bridge. It would be quick and easy. He wouldn't feel a thing, and the water would welcome him like a nice hug. 

A/N: Sorry for such a short part! I thought this was kind of poetic to end on. I'm gonna try and crank out as many chapters as I can, because I got so much inspiration for this story.

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