Chapter 5 - Than To Be Loved By Everybody But You, But You

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Peter almost started crying again, from just getting a hug. He was so pathetic. Crying from a hug? What was wrong with him? He was messed up. 

He hated himself.

Y/n frowned when he didn't reciprocate the hug, pulling away.

Peter looked at her. "What was that for?"

"You look sad," Y/n said, looking down, slightly embarrassed.

Peter laughed dryly. "Sad? Why would I be sad? I'm perfectly fine," he scoffed, turning away from Y/n and crossing his arms. "I was just going to go to sleep, so if you don't mind, I want you to leave."

Y/n nodded and left, upset about Peter. She was sure something was wrong. When was the last time Peter had rejected a hug, let alone not returned it?

Who could she tell? Hank would be a good option, but he might make it worse. Charles would totally over-react, and Erik was out of the question. Letting him know that something was wrong with his son would freak him out.

Y/n eventually settled on telling Jean. She would know what to do, right?

Maybe Jean could help. She was the best hope that Y/n had.

So off Y/n went, running to Jean's door as fast as she could. She wanted to figure out if anything was wrong with Peter, which she practically knew by now, but maybe she was just assuming. 

She did love him after all.

Y/n didn't even realize it when she fell for Peter, but by the time she did, it was undeniable. She admired everything about him, from his kindness to his humor, to the way he was so down-to-earth. He never took himself too seriously, and could make you smile or laugh at anything. He could bring light into the darkest of situations. 

And let's not get started on how surprisingly quiet he was. It seemed as though whenever he felt like a comment from himself was needed, he would say it, but otherwise, he would stay quiet. It showed that he was a deep and thoughtful person underneath the fake layers of confidence. Y/n really respected somebody like that.

She hoped Peter would see her love.

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