Chapter 15 - If We Hadn't Done This Thing

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Peter couldn't listen to Y/n lying to him anymore. He turned to the side of the bridge and jumped.

The second his feet left the bridge, he regretted it. He didn't want to die, and now nobody would ever know. They'd think that he wanted to die, and all he wanted to do was scream and shout that he wasn't ready. He was ready to start believing their lies, anything to live.

But it was too late. He had jumped. His arms flailed in the air for the four seconds he fell. And then he hit the water, with the most pain he'd ever felt in his life. Every cell in his body screamed in agony.

It felt like when Apocalypse had broken his leg, but everywhere. He could've sworn that stuff was shattering inside of him. His eyes closed from the view of the water as he fell unconscious, and he settled in to die.

Y/n fell to her knees, crying hard. Kurt and Jean ran over to comfort her. She was crying a river, shedding tears for Peter, but he would never know.

Ororo flew down to locate him, knowing that she could with her powers. She was linked to nature, to the water. She closed her eyes and tried to sense him. The water was full of crabs, sharks, and other aquatic life. 

Searching for Peter, she sensed him after about a minute. She dove into the water where he was and made an air bubble around them. She could still feel the life in him. Looking up, she began flying them back to the surface and jet. Raven and Erik noticed, and Erik flew up to help her. Raven started preparing the medical supplies. 

Peter wasn't going to die.

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