Chapter 10 - I Hate All My Friends, I Miss The Days When I Pretended

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Peter envied his friends so much. Why could they feel happy? Why did they get to experience love? Why did they want to live?

It made no sense to him. Kurt had so little to be happy about, yet he always had a smile on his face, and it hurt him every time he saw a smile on his face. Why did Scott look so happy when he had lost so much in the past? (Which Peter totally blamed himself for.) Why could Charles and Erik be happy? They had some horrifying pasts, but they got through it. How did you keep going when the world seemed to be pushing against you?

He wanted to know, but he couldn't. That was why he was jumping. He wanted to just be done with the world. It clearly didn't want him, so why would he stay? He was more than glad to be jumping and ending it all, just so he didn't have to fight the world anymore.

Nobody would care if he left. Everyone would forget about him, and he'd just be a small blip in their lives. He just wanted the best for his friends, and that was what he was giving them. Their best would be a happy life, full of fun, love, and a future. Peter's was jumping off a bridge. It seemed fair to him, because it was best for everyone.

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