Chapter 14 - I'll Stop Wearing Black When They Make a Darker Color

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It didn't seem like this would ever happen. Everyone wore black, even Jubilee, and Y/n had never seen her wear anything that wasn't a bright or neon color. It was like a funeral. No, it was a funeral.

She shivered and came back to reality. He hadn't done it yet. Y/n could stop Peter from jumping.

"Peter, please," Y/n begged. Peter turned to her, eyes filling with tears.

"Don't you get it?! I have to!" he shouted, starting to cry again. "I hate life! I hate myself! I hate everything!" He looked towards the water. "I WANT TO DIE!" he screamed to the ocean.

Y/n looked at him. "Peter, please. I love you. We love you."

"You don't love me!" he cried. "Nobody loves me!"

Peter looked down over the edge again.

"Peter, no!" Y/n screamed, but it was too late.

Peter jumped.

It was so fast, it was hard to even believe that he jumped. It passed in a heartbeat. One second, he was standing on the bridge, and the next...gone.

Wilson - Peter MaximoffOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant