Chapter 18 - I Became Such a Strange Shape From Trying To Fit In

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Peter felt like something was missing. His father had been visiting regularly, as had practically everyone else besides one person. He wanted to see Y/n.

Erik sat next to him, reading some book, something that didn't concern or interest Peter. "Hey dad?" Peter asked.

Looking up from his book, Erik smiled warmly. "Yes?"

"Where is Y/n?" Peter asked.

Erik set down his book on Peter's side table, frowning. "Peter, you do know that she cares about you, right?" 

Peter nodded.

"She sat by you every day for 3 days straight. You were in a coma after jumping for 4 days," Erik said.

Peter's eyes widened. "What?"

Erik frowned and nodded. "She tired herself out while waiting for you to wake up. Every little thing that happened, she would get all excited, thinking it was about to happen, but she got let down every time."

"I'm so horrible!" Peter wailed, burying his face in his hands.

Reaching to try and comfort Peter by putting a hand on his shoulder, Erik frowned. "Peter, it isn't your fault. You were in a coma."

Peter looked at him. "But it's my fault that I jumped off a bridge and got in that coma! I should just go die." He went to rip out his IV.

Erik stopped him, using some metal from the doorknob to grab his hands. "Peter. Django. Maximoff. You don't mean that," he scolded, looking at Peter.

Tears filled Peter's eyes as he nodded. "I do, and you know it! I love her, but all I do is hurt her. I can't even get that right! I want to die!"

Sighing softly, Erik adopted a softer tone to his voice. "Peter, you don't normally hurt her, but when you do hurt her, it's your own mind. You thinking you're hurting her really does hurt her."

Peter looked at him. "B-But dad...Everything I do only makes it worse."

"Peter, you need to know that she loves you. I'll go get her right now if you want me to," Erik offered, getting up from his seat.

Nodding weakly, Peter looked up. "Okay...Fine. I'll talk to her."

And so, in about 2 minutes, Erik had managed to leave, locate Y/n, and convince her to come back to Peter's room. She practically ran in and pulled Erik's seat next to the bed, looking down at Peter intently.

Peter looked at her, a soft blush growing on his cheeks. "H-Hey-"

Y/n leaned in and hugged him. 

Peter chuckled quietly. "Hey, gentle now," he muttered, his neck getting a bit hurt. "I have a neck brace for a reason."

Pulling away, Y/n blushed a bit as well. "S-Sorry."

Peter was pretty sure he smelled alcohol on her breath. He made a face. "Are you drinking?" he asked. "Is this just cause you're drunk?" his lip quivered, and it looked like he might cry.

Y/n shook her head and frowned softly. "I-I've just been so worried, and Warren offered me some beer. I'm not drunk though."

Peter nodded. "I never knew that you drink."

"Well, things changed." Y/n shrugged and looked down.

Peter nodded again and sighed. "I heard that you stayed by me for 3 days."

Y/n nodded and blushed gently. "I did."

"Why?" Peter asked. He didn't know why somebody would want to be with him.

"Because I care about you, Peter." Y/n said, moving to hold his hand. 

Peter's face turned bright red. "You do?"

Y/n nodded.

Peter giggled quietly. "Well I care about you too."

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