Chapter 10

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"So, how was your trip to Central City?" Moira asked Oliver when they met at the hospital, since they'd decided to wait until they were both present to bring up the idea of putting Thea into the cryo chamber until they could find a cure for her so that they could both convince her to do it.

"Very productive. My friend Caitlin Snow is very eager to work on a cure for Thea and in the meantime, I've been put in touch with someone else who'd prefer to remain anonymous, but they may have an idea for a temporary solution to Thea's current problem until we're able to find a permanent one." Oliver said.

"If it will help Thea, then absolutely. Tell both of them that I will personally pay them however much they want to save her." Moira said.

"I've already handled the debt to the person with the temporary cure. As for Dr. Snow, I'll give you her number, but I think I know a way we can repay her." Oliver said.

"How?" Moira asked.

"Dr. Snow is one of the few scientists left at Star Labs. I'm sure if Queen Consolidated bought the company and helped rebuild it, she'd have access to better funding and equipment to help find a cure for Thea even faster." Oliver said.

"Oliver, I'm not sure that is a good business strategy. Star Labs is still dealing with the fallout from the explosion and I'm not sure that buying it would be considered a smart idea for Queen Consolidated." Moira said.

"Really, I think that Queen Consolidated could afford to buy Star Labs for a very low price and then get good PR for rebuilding the company. Plus, it is still a top notch research facility." Oliver said.

"But there's also government restrictions on them. However, I will talk to Dr. Snow and see if there's anything that can be done to help her company rebuild, since even if QC can't buy it, maybe we can help them reopen themselves." Moira said and Oliver nodded.

"Anyway, let's go talk to Thea. I waited till you got back to tell her about this idea, since I figured that it would take both of us to convince her to do this." Moira said and Oliver nodded in agreement as they entered Thea's hospital room.

"Hey Speedy, how are you feeling?" Oliver asked.

"As crappy as I did before you left." Thea said.

"Thea, your brother and I may have an idea on how to buy you more time until we find a cure." Moira said.

"What is it?" Thea asked.

"We'd have to put you in a stasis pod." Oliver said.

"You want to put me on ice?" Thea asked.

"Of course not. But it may be the only way to save you. Putting you in that pod will slow the progress of the deterioration and it may not even need to be that long." Oliver said.

"What do you mean?" Thea asked.

"I've got a lead on a potential serum that could temporarily stabilize your cells until we can find a permanent cure." Oliver said.

"So essentially, I'd be dependent on taking a drug. I thought we were trying to get me off those?" Thea said dryly.

"This is different. This is something that can actually save your life." Moira said.

"Are you sure that this is the only way?" Thea asked.

"For now Speedy." Oliver said.

"How long will it be before I have to go in?" Thea asked.

"Queen Consolidated is running tests on our only stasis pod, but it should be ready by the end of the week." Moira said.

"Then I'd really like to not spend the rest of my week in the world in a hospital bed. Is there any way I can spread my legs and try to live my life before you shove me in a freezer?" Thea asked.

"I'll make some calls, see if we can at least get you transferred back home so you can enjoy the comforts of the mansion." Moira said.

"And you'll be out of the pod before you know it, even if you will become dependent on the serum for a while." Oliver said.

"At least with that serum, I'll be able to live my life again instead of having to put it on pause." Thea said.

"Thea, I promise you, we will not stop looking until we find a cure for you." Moira promised.

"Thanks mom." Thea said.

"Get some rest Speedy. We'll be back soon." Oliver said as both he and Moira placed kisses on Thea's forehead before leaving her to rest.

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